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Acid09's Blog

Contemplation, Stepping Into A Picture

Basic technique:
Contemplation, This is like meditation only keep your eyes open, maybe half closed, and once you relax you focus your thoughts to either a task or studying an item. The task should be simple, like sowing, drawing, rocking in a chair. But an item could be anything, for this experiment we'll use a picture. While doing a task you'll notice there comes a point where it becomes automatic and that mind will tend to wonder. Since your mind is already occupied by maintaining the task at hand it'll be very easy to think about one subject. if you have an item to guide your thoughts it'll be easy to think about the item in your hand- where its been, what it means, who's owned it, what happened to them. If the item is a picute you can focus your thoughts on where its at, what the pciture reveals, what emotions are stired by looking at it. And you can also project your mind into the picture, here's how.

Have specific place you want to go? Try this:

1. Get a picture of where you wish to travel. It could be your own drawings somebody else's art work, something fantastic, realistic doesn't matter. You could also use a picture of a place that really exists. Or a picture you have taken of a place you have been.
2. Relax and begin deep breathing as though you were about to meditate. Clear your mind of all thoughts except of the picture in your hands.
3. Contemplate over the image in the picture for 10-20 minutes so that it almost burns into your memory.
4. After that close your eyes and visualize the picture. Reconstruct the image as best as you can such that the sensations you stired while contemplating seem to surround you.
Ex; you have a picture of a beach and you can feel the sand in your toes hear the ocean and warm breeze and warmth of the sun. You can see the beach and all thats in it. you can smell it as well.
5. Technically your mind is in the picture at this point. So go ahead and look around the image. See what you can. See if there is anything you haven't seen before and take a close look at it.
6. To finish at this point visualize the image shrink down into nothingness until all you see is black. Open your eyes and you're done.
7. To go beyond step five use your mental hands to draw the outline of a door complete with a door knob.
8. Open it and step through it. You have entered the astral plains via a picture.
9. To exist simply visualize the same door and walk back into the picture. Now complete step six.
10. Record your experience and ground yourself.

You can use a spirit guide in this by imposing an image or sigil to represent the archetype of your choice before you begin this.

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