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Acid09's Blog

"spiral Stair Case" Technique

Further reading I'd suggest "Lucid Dreams in 30 days, the creative sleep program" by Harry kieth? and Pammela somebody and "Dream Gates" by Robert Moss- great for both lucid Dreams and astral travel. I also have a book called "astral projection" I can't remember the author, not good at names, but its cover is a red/pink with like a stary backround and a chick laying down with her naked astral body reaching out.

Well to add to this thread (still wish others would help out a bit) here's another technique for astral travel.- the spiral stair case, an off set of a technique given in "Dream Gates" by Robert Moss.

It requires some skill at visualization and mediation.
1. Sit in a comfortable position and meditate. You may use a picture, a place in nature, to aid in this.
2. Visualize a place in nature. Allow the sensations of actually being set in. Feel the wind and humidity.
3. Relax and hold the image in your mind before you go any farther. Once you have a good grip on the view and can almost reach out and teach the environment around you.
4. Look down and notice a cobble stone pathway. See this path leads to a tower in the distance. This can be a lighthouse or ziggurat type temple a very tall rook(castle chess peice) will suffice. What does it look like to you? Hold this image in your mind.
5. Slowely let youself go to the tower. Follow the path as it windes towards the tower. As you get closer let it get bigger and bigger. Until all you can see is a door. What does this door look like to you? Are there any statues or people standing guard?
6. If you see guards these are your spirit guides for the journey ahead. Confront them. Ask them to be your guide on the journey into the astral plains. They will say follow me.
7. Regardless if you see gaurdians or not let the door open. Look in side and notice a great stone stair case that windes to the top of the tower.
8. If you have a guide follow it. If not allow yourself to walk the stair case. As you get start to climb look up and notice a white light.
9. As you walk the stairs stay focused on this light and the higher you go around the stairs the faster it seems to spin.
10. Eventually you'll reach the top and once you do let yourself burst through the light and see the stars of the night sky. Focus on these until you are confident you're not falling back to earth. Look around you what do you see? You are now on the astral plains. To properly exit go back the way you came. Going back down the stairs will help in grounding you. If you'd rather you can visualize your body at anytime and allow yourself to drift back into it. You'll still need to ground yourself.
11. Record what you see and ground yourself.

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