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Acid09's Blog

Short Hand Progressive Awareness

Short hand LCD: Progressive awareness technique

A way to have lucid dreams that some may find easier to use. This may be best done when you are particularly tired. Like after a hard days work or just before you go to bed.

1. Meditate with the intentions of having a lucid dream.
2. While focusing on the darkness with your eyes closed let your mind pick up on the faint imagery that you see. What do you see?
3. Relax yourself to the point of nearly being as sleep.
4. The hard part; stay aware of the imargery you are looking at. Try to keep yourself in limbo between nearly being asleep and being asleep.
5. Don't force yourself to do anything. It can wake you up fully. Especially if you're having good progress. If you fall asleep its ok. But still try to remember your dreams and record them when you wake up.

You may have a lucid dream the first night. Maybe within the next few. In one week of intense practice you should be able to invoke a lucid dream. As you do this daily hopefully you'll be able to sustain awareness into full fledged dreaming. As the mind gets better at remaining aware at the brink of falling asleep the imagery you see should get progressively more vivid and your state of mind should get closer and closer to actually being asleep. Eventually you'll learn to be aware while being asleep. You can become proficiant at this within one week. Though don't count on being particularlly good at lucid dreaming for at least a month. Before you really practice at this I'd suggest readin over posts 6,7 in this thread on lucid dreaming. The psychological info still applies. This is a more agressive, holistic technique. But still take it in moderation.

Always remember to record your dreams, especially if you have more than one. Suggestiveness and postive reinforcement is key to success.

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