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Acid09's Blog

Spirit Guides

As the vast well of knowledge this site has contributed to me I see it fit to return the favor. This works to maintain my own knowledge as well as this sites well of knowledge. If the universe is full of infinite power that power should be shared. If knowledge is power than my knowledge I share:

Do you have a spirit guide? You really do know. Even if you haven't realized it yet you probably do. Exactly what a spirit guide may be is subjective. It could be a favorable entity watching over you. One that is a kindred spirit. A being you had relations with in a past or future life. It could be a dead relative. Or a divine force beyond our simple comprehention. It could be a part of your super concous self trying to look out for you in a way that you can feel confortable with.

Guides are guardians and protectors and teachers and servitors and masters abd all the above. Certain books will give their own rituals to perform to come in contact with your own spirit guides. These may or may not be of help. I'm of the mind you already know what guides are in your presance. And your dreams tell you and show you and your guides will interact with you in your dreams and even waking life. As you recall your dreams and get better at doing so you may notice these guides. Pictures or writings which ever method you use to record your dreams will further articulate entities within them. Your own guide may be many things. It can be a tv character or god form. A mythic creature or arc angel. It could be you own child, deceased living or unborn into this world yet. It could be a person from a past of future life. It could be your spouse or favorite pet.

As these things appear in your dreams pay attention to them. If you dream often of snakes and spiders record the emotions these creatures convey. The more often any such entities appear in your dreams the more meaning they have. You may have a fear of snakes and spiders and ironically these may be your spirit guides capable of guiding you through your underlying fears. As you get further in touch with animals and people of your dreams you'll come to realize you have many guides. Each capable of leading you through all aspects of life. All are protective. All of them can be teachers. All of them are master of their aspect. All can aid in completing certain tasks.

When you discovery which animals and people are most prevalent in your dreams you can learn their nature within your dreams. Then learn the nature of the animals in real life. Compare the two and chances are you'll notice a split between how they act in real life and how they act within your dreams. These guides are very very useful. I can not stress that enough. Wheather you use them from protection during cerimonial magick or guides into your dreams or the astral plains or use them as teachers in your own inner temples they are magickal beings.

Learn your spirit guides because they are the greatest allies of the self that is you.

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