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Acid09's Blog

Dreaming While Dreaming

Ok this actually came to me after reading someone post about how they kept waking up from dreams while still dreaming it made me remember something those of you interested might like: Dreaming while dreaming.

Basically its a form of trance while in a lucid dream. What you do is enter a LCD. From here picture a bed, probably the one you might normally use. Lay down and allow yourself to go to sleep. Allow yourself to dream for a time but then realize you are dreaming and then wake up inside your actual LCD. This is rather complicated, but still pretty fun to indulge your dream senses. Its kind of a progressive conditioning. You teach yourself to have lucid dreams. Then you condition yourself to go to sleep like normal while in an LCD and then wake while still in a dream. At first not much will happen. But as you practice you'll be able to go for longer periods of time unconcious and wake yourself into a concious dream.

Now to make use of this. Once you have learned and are confident you can lose conciousness while sleeping and regain conciousness still sleeping, without actually waking up, you are ready try this. Pick a topic or concept you want to explore. On your bed (while in an LCD) think about this. Allow yourself to actually dream about it. This is when you lose conciousness and dream like normal. Except you've actually gotten yourself to dream about something specific. The trick is to not stay in this state too long because, at least for me, I've found that the longer I stay in this state the harder it is to not simply awake out my dreams all together, even with pratice. Once you are able to regain conciousness lay in your bed while dreaming. From here you can do several things; simply remember what you drempt of unconcious and risk losing conciousness again, or actually act out what you drempt of, or picture a book on the floor that has pictures (words also work, but pictures work for me better).

Its an interesting way to let the mind toy with concepts to find knowledge one may have previously over looked.

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