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Acid09's Blog

Bulding A Temple Within Your Dreams

The following is an example of how I use dreaming to make my own personal temple:

After dreaming in a LCD I found a black bar, in the likness of a gold bar, sitting at the side of the couch I was sleeping in. I got up looked at it and wondered what in the world it was soppose to be. Upon recollection of my dream I realized this was a block of mental substance that I could use to build with. I replayed the dream and was in a kind of void where there were red and black clouds with lots of lightning. Later I would doub this place the forge, complete with its own sigil to aid in future visits. There was no floor no appearnt end to this place. Just an odd space. I remembered seeing three Runes (runes was what I was attempting to dream about) Uruz, Sowelu and Isa. It was awe inspiring to see these three symbols before me kind of hoovering and dancing around each other in there own little electrical gas cloud. They joined to form a sigil. Later this sigil would represent the etheric matterial I used to build a small astral temple. The three runes as a sigil began to kind morph. I saw lots of electricity and bright flash. The end result was a black, onxy appearing, metal bar. Now since I was lucid I went ahead and set it down. I summoned the sigil once more and it produced another block. And another and another. Soon I realized I was able to mold these blocks into walls and floors. By the end of the night I had built a temple that I would later return to for the purpose of meditating on the representation of my new found sigil. To complete it I used the void itself to produce an ideal setting for the temple.

After I did this I realized that dreaming while dreaming was a way of sort of "divining" properties of magick tools and matterial. I'd sit in a lucid dream thinking of a specific tools I needed and my intentions for making them in the first place. Then I would dream and learn the qualities of the tools I wanted complete with a sigil. I'd wake up replay the dream lucid and in this void place used the sigil to mold my magickal tool. Then awake from the LCD I'd record the sigil. With this I made a key of sigils for various places and tools. Each sigil represented a tool or place of a specific nature and every time something arised that these things were useful I'd simply visualize the sigil within this void place and the tool or place appeared. The really useful thing for me though is that all that I made seems to carry astral substance. Since LCDs and AP are so closely related I was able to use the sigils to generate tools and places on the astral plains as well as witin dreams.

Really dreaming while concious dreaming became a regular practice for retriving information. Its even possible to use this to recall an entire day and in great detail.

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