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Entries on Friday 4th January 2008

entry Jan 4 2008, 05:49 PM
I suppose some more advanced techniques should be applied. So today I'm going to presant how to build a psychic defense through dreams and AP. This process will take time possibly weeks and the up keep is daily. I've developed this method to be multi-functional. One will not only become aware of an intrusion they will automatically deal with it. If it doesn't go away then one can intervine. I have summerized the post in bold. Though it would be most useful if read all the way through at least once. Why one would want a psychic defense is to protect themselves from forces they may not be aware of or that may try to afflict one while on the astral plains or altered states of mind. This can also be a link between mind and body. Should the body fall ill or become damaged the mind can be put on alert and deal with the issue. One's intuition can alert the self of danger in the near future or a loved one in need of help. To a degree some of these dangers can be delt with servitors or with the aid of a guardian spirit. Through the following one will be able to develope the means to accomplish all that can be done willing dreams unhindered by inner and outter influence.

The best way to establish a well rounded mental defense is to know yourself. What's inside you as it was made by your past, your preanst and is affected by your future ambitions. Also know how you react to whats around you. If you know how your body responds to illness to you can learn how to pick up on these symptoms before you even become fully sick. If you know your emotional and mental state of being you can unlock triggers that would evoke a behavior in certain situations. If you can recognize triggers not only can one exert control over them but confront the negative conditions within themselves and the person(s) who may set a trigger off.

To do this through dreams one can use the dream incubation technique. This can also be used in conjunction with a dream alter. Simply use the techniques to manifest something you wish address. If you have a dialogue with your dreams interpreting their meaning will be much easier. If one is able to have lucid dreams, which is preferable, then they should thoroughly explore their inner world. Of course for beginners start slowly. In fact never forget that a lucid state may only remain for a short time. But don't let this discourage you.

To begin confront the negative stuff within dreams. Don't be affraid to poke your head into a dark corner. Also don't be suprised if something jumps out to scare you. Its just your primal mind trying to alert you to the negative image. If possible when you find such a negative image confront it directly. Ask it what it means. If it is stuburn command it as a part of your own being to tell you what it means. You may be quite suprised to discover hidden things about yourself that have been forgotten for many years. Their negative extance within your dreamscape is caused by the conditions that formed the initial desire or behavior and the subsequent supression of it. These can be sexual in nature, they may seem selfish, or taboo in society or even just your social group. The longer such desire has been supressed the more fear it will present itself in your dream. We are good at supressing many things. Not just taboo desires but also events, peopple and states of mind, deaths, abuses, addictions, depression, mental disorders we might deny to try to be "normal", somebody who just came off the wrong way and negative behavors (assholeness, arogance and ingnorance for example) that over the years have formed bad habits. Other things that we supress are resentments and envies. Think of somebody who's harmed you but you've never really confronted them about it (ex. like big brother picking on you). We also tend to supress the negative things we've done to others. In fact as an example think of the last time you might have told a white lie to get your way, consider that in your mind you justified that action before hand. That mental justification is one supressing the fact that telling a lie is amoral and can hurt people. The things supressed could be over something small and insignificant. Yet in your mind its the stuff of nightmares. Now by confronting thing doesn't mean you won't supress things anymore. That is a natural human behavior and serves to keep us from acting irationally when more "civil" behaviors are in order. What it does do is tell you who you are, the negative aspects of yourself. Many things you can't change many that you can. Accept the things you can not change. And have the courage to change the things you can. Now this change may have to come from a direct encounter with somebody you hold guilt or resentment towards. But ultimately it will strengthen your psyche.

Now that you can recognize the negative stuff you'll come to notice that as you continue to have lucid dreams these negative aspects will confront you in a less fear evoking manner. In fact they could quite calmly and peacefully come forward and directly say whatever it is that made them. Only by denying yourself the negative side of living do you really supress infomation in a harmful way. To supress it in your dreams is like putting a lid over a pot of boiling water. Eventually the steam will errupt. And the more preasure there is the more destruction it will cause. Some say that it is good to let the mind process things through dreams without consous intervention. But thats like letting a child learn to read and write without help. Once you are able to allow the mind to bring the things its processes to your awareness you'll find that dealing with them is so much easier.

Once you are confident the negative stuff won't bite you in the butt its time to check out the positive aspects of living. Principally where in life do you feel best and at the most peace of mind? What are the positive things about you? Are you compassionate? loving? Do you share and take responsiblity? How developed is your spiritual awareness? How motivated are you? Are you a team leader? There are many things that could be listed. Perhaps a good incubation could be to present a creative need as a question on how to be better at what you are good at or become better at what you are not so good at. By understanding the positive aspects of yourself the negative stuff won't have such a pessimistic impact. By knowing that you are a radiant and powerful being amoung others you'll find confidence and optimism. A fundamental aspect of psychic defense.

With the postive aspects we can begin to form a dream scape. Or a place within your mind you can go to explore your personal intellectual thoughts, needs, desires, skills and so much more. It serves as a place where one can not only explore but exibit magick practices. One can meditate in peace here. And its instantaneous. One doesn't have to go through all the steps. They can just will themselves into meditation and trance. Though specific rituals may require certain steps be taken dream magick is almost entirely guided by personal will power. Will power than can not be sustained and properly exerted with a mind cluttered by supressed thinking. In one's dream scape they can exit the body into the realms of the astral and spiritual plains- explore higher consouness an even collective consouness. They can use this as a platform for shared dreaming with others. They can use this as a means of healing and relaxation. In a dream scape one is litterally a godling within their own world.

To build this personal inner paradise use that positive place where you feel most relaxed and comfortable. It could be anywhere. Personally I like places in nature. If possible one could use a camp ground they visit or place in the woods where the fish or hunt or just go to hike. A city park or personal living room is just as exceptible. Get this imagine in your mind. Not just while you sleep but while you're awake. In fact when you do your reality checks think of the this place. The more you can suggest to your mind of this place the more likely and more easier it will be to manifest it within dreams. Even draw pictures or find photos, prefereably with you in the picture, or create/find a graphic representation with your computer. That night when you become lucid imediatly look around you. How close is this place to your positive image? The further away from it is the more likely there are still aspects of yourself left unexplored. But thats ok. A dream scape will help you explore these. Once you have neough practice at lucid dreaming it'll almost become a life within your life. Your awareness will be so great and your ability to maintain lucidity so strong that other people may have difficultly waking you out of your trance. This is the ideal frame of mind to start using personal will power to create/adjust your positive place.

This place that evokes a sense of peace and harmony within you is your place of power. When ever you invoke a lucid dream this will be where you start. Here is where all us that occurs within your dream will transpire. Of course you're dreaming so don't expect the scenery to be static. Explore your new place of power. See how fluid and ever changing it is. You may see the seasons run before your eyes Or find wild life. Or see images so outlandish they are out of context from the place of power- I will get to these. This is how one gets comfortable with their place of power. The more comfortable you get within it the easier it will be to accomplish other things. Once you are comfortable take a gander at the things that stand out most. I'd be willing to bet they are aspects of supressed things you've left unchecked. This is not bad. This is how you add to your dream scape. You identify the abstract out of place images presented in your place of power. Then they become gate ways into other areas of your mind. These are the gates of your own personal inner dimentions-inner space. From here, your place of power, you can explore the most primal side of your to the highest states of awareness and comprehension. Identify and explore these gates. As you get more advanced you can dedicate these gates by manipulating what they look like into litteral ates or doors or widnows or portals. You can use portals from "mario" if you like. Then also make personal creations to watch over these. As well as form sigils, mantras and talismens to further establish a connection to them. Once you've been there and done that then you can start to create your own dream gates. Any personal aspect you wish to address can be made into a dream gate that will lead to you a place you can manipulate, interact and interpret powered by every wit in your brain. One can imagine the enlightenment that can come from being able to apply every amount of brain power you can muster to understanding one thing. Remember that in dreams the sky is not the limit, only your imagination is. You can litterally do anything or explore anything within lucid dreams. Any occult feat that can be done awake can be done awake within your dreams. And doing magick within your dreams fits nicely into the formin a microcosom to influence the macrocosom. Your microcosom is your own world. The macro is what is around to include a realm just as expansive- the whole universe.

So now you have this world of your own. One that has already existed sense you were born. You are just now discovering how to exert control over your domain. What you get out of this is up to you. Having gotten this far you have affermed a degree of will power that very few minds could influence beyond what you allow them to. The extent of your accomplishment is noticed in the this new found psychic will discovered within yourself that is, in my opinion the will of a god, a god of its own realm. Because of that you have a psychic defense so strong that there is very little that can truely, mentally harm you. Now I express don't think of yourself as anything but a god over your own dream scape. You can afferm this psychic barrier around you from your dream scape. Enter it and picture is as a whole. It could be a floating island, or flat or sphereical. A place within a prism. Surrounded by an infanite expanse of dark space you have this creation of your own. Picture a wall, a caslte like, wall rise from the ground complete with one enterance and even a mote if you like. The mote can even be on fire if you like. From this wall notice a colorful field surround the whole of your world. The more attention to detail you pay the more charged this field will be. In reality you can choose any kind of barrier you like, no matter how surreal it may seem. You can use you occult knowledge to create, sigilization, familars, charms to protect this place, powered by your very own endless essence, you can charge it with elements or find a blessing from an outside source. The imagination is the limmit.

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