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Entries on Friday 4th January 2008

entry Jan 4 2008, 05:38 PM
Lucid dreaming is actually the most difficult to learn. Not because the steps are hard but because in order to get good at it requires one to take their time. As in weeks or practice, knowing that you might not even become lucid in the initial stages. Lucid dreaming has been researched and so there are credible sources from which people can share the results of that research. I will post mine when I have a chance.

Lucid dreaming is like a direct interphase between the consousess and the self. That is to say one is aware of themselves while dreaming and all that is presented is of the self- where one can interact with it all. In order to achieve this interphase one will need to develope a dialogue between the consous and sub-consous minds. This will require learning to recall and record dreams to develope an awareness of dreaming and time while dreaming. Also one will need to learn suggestive ways to influence dreams, as in dream incubation. Eventually learning to use intentions to invoke certain aspects to appear within dreams and even script dreams before they happen. One will need to associate their dreams to their environments and pick out where reality presents itself in dream time. Finally as one begins to reach the edge of consousness they will need to confront their worse nightmares. These powerful images will only hinder you if attempt to go farther without first understanding principally, they are not going to harm you, and they carry deep meaning.

What is at work to achieve a state of lucidity is the use of psychology. The power of suggestion is your greatest tool to unlocking consous dreaming. You start by acknowledging a desire to have lucid dreams. If you are apathetic towards this you won't take yourself seriously and it will be difficult to get results. Then if you are serious you must commit yourself to learning. To deviate for several days can ruin weeks of work. It takes to become good at this but it doesn't take a lot to do the training. So if you feel that you don't have the time to commit know that is utter bull shit. In less you live your life minute for mintue and have no time what so ever to spare, as in even just 5 minutes a day, there is no exuce for not being able to train.

From an occult perspective, next to the concsious will itself, lucid dreaming is probably the most powerful tool any practioner can weild. This comes from several years of practice. I would trade all my occult books, some 25 of them for the couple I have on lucid dreams. I don't have access to esoteric herbs. I can't aford expensive tools, let alone afford to keep buying supplies. But I can make all of those within my dreams and utilize them just as effectively if not more so in lucid dreams. When compared to the other techniques for astral travel there is little to compare. In a lucid dream you are already asleep and that is in itself a state of trance so iching and coughing or sneezing are far less likely to affect you. One must only fall asleep and wake up in their dreams and not worry to figit over learning meditation and visualization, granted both are very useful, its possible to do everything you can awake while dreaming. Your dreams are an excellent platform for experiening an OBE. All you must do is get up and walk away from your body.

Those of you interested in learning get a journal and pen and start recording your dreams. Start with the last one you just had. The description can be several lines, to several pages, even a drawing would work. As the day goes on take at least three times to observe reality around you. This only has to be a moment. Just notice your surroundings and ask yourself if you are awake. before you go to bed place your pen and journal near you if not under your pillow. In the morning before you copen you eyes reflect upon the dream you just had. Don't fret or be forceful. So if all you remember is a little its ok. Record as many dreams as you can with as much detail as you can bring up.

This should be a good start and the weekend should give you all a chance to try. I'll be back in the near future to add to phase two.

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