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Entries on Friday 4th January 2008

entry Jan 4 2008, 05:53 PM
Either way this ritual is based on the elements. I created from my own "book of elements" as described in Ly DeAngelis' book "witchcraft theory and practice". Basically I took the correspondances of the elements and applied them to my personallity. From this I created a staging point and pathworking "world" for each element, that included spirit for a finnally. I created two versions. One that worked each element individually and one that worked all four in one path. Basically I just combined the four into a string of paths that leads to the a world of spirit. But here it is;

Day 1, Earth.

I enter a state of meditation. From here I can see colors. Mostly greens and browns. The combine to form trees, flowers, shrubs, pine cones and needles. I also see rocks with moss covering them, wild grass. I can hear and feel the wind in the trees. I also see a river to my right. In front of me is a dirt trail it follows the river. I head down this path. Eventually I arrive at a point where the path is blocked. It looks like a wall covered with vines and roses. The river runs under it. I approach it and I can see a face. It opens its eyes, smiles peacefully and identifies itself as the keeper of the earth gate and asks to see the symbol of earth before I pass. I visualize the symbol of earth (inverted triangle with a bar through the middle). It is gold and it fits in a spot on the wall located above me. The vines clear to reveal a door that opens. It is dark but I enter.

On the other side I enter a clearing before a giant mountain range. It is jagged and rough terrain. I can see a castle in front of me in the distance. It is dark and made of grey bricks. The pathway is also dark and full of trees. To my left I see a rope bridge that leads to a stone temple. To my right I see a path, clear of debris. It follows around the base of the mountain and I can not see where it leads beyond this.

Normally at this point I would choose a path to take. But this only serves as an example and I could spend a lot of time describing each main path and each sub-path and any entities I may or may not encounter. But hopefully this helps to make sense of a pathworking ritual. When I descide my journey is over I either return the way I came or visualize the earth symbol and door that takes me back to the staging point. I always leave in one of these manners. Now I am done for the day.

Day 2, Air.

I re-enter my meditation and return to the area in the woods as before. I follow the path as last time. Only now I reach a point where a wall of wind prevents me from going further. A smokey figure appears identifies itself as the keep of the gate of air and asks I show it the symbol for air (triangle with bar in middle). I visualize this symbol and it the wind reveals a door way that opens. It is dark but I enter.

On the other side I am at the edge of a cliff. I can not see the bottom of it. The land scape is rife with steep mountains peaking through a dysmal cloud covering the bottom. I am in a world of sky. In front of me is another rope bridge. It leads to a castle made of crystal the light of a sun shines through to cause a prismatic affect. So the castle reflects all the colors of the spectrum. To my left is a stairway that leads up to a temple made of the same crystal. To my right is a dragon with a saddle. I have no idea where he will take me.

Again this is only an example. There are many paths. So many that I could not describe them all without really boring you guys.

Day 3, Fire.

I go through the same forest area until I reach a wall of brillant flames. An entity of fire identifies itself and asks for the symbol of fire (a plain triangle). I show it and a door is revealed. On the other side is an intensely bright place. I can feel the warmth as this place is much hotter than the others. All around me is a desolete land scape of ash volcanos and rivers of lava. In front of me is a stairway that leads to a castle on top of a valcano. It is on fire. The path is marked by small flames of its own. To my left is an other pathway on fire that leads to a temple the temple is a shiny obsidian color. To my right is a third path that leads to a giant river of lava. At the river bank is a dock and balck ship on fire with burning sails. I do not know where the ship will take me.

Seems dark and scary but in reallity its only ment to reflect the nature of each element. No world is really more scary than the other.

Day 4, Water.

This time when I reach the gate as I have all the others The river itself becomes connected to a water fall. A beautiful feminine face appears through it and asks to see the symbol of water in the same manner as all the other gate guardians. I show it the symbol of water (an inverted triangle). The water fall parts to reveal a cave. I enter. On the other side I am under water. I don't fret because I can breathe just the same. There are no pathways apparant and I must swim to go anywhere. Above me light shines through to reveal a surface. In front of me is a submerged castle. Enormous and pleasent. To my left is a submerged temple. It is small, humble and in the shape of a dome. To my right is a dark cave. I have no idea what is in it or where it will take me.

When I'm finished I leave in the usual manner.

Day 5, Spirit.

This time I approach the earth and travel each of the four elemental worlds. I go left in each world to the temple. Within the temple, amoung other things, is a another gate that leads to another world. So after I enter the earth temple I reach the world of air, then fire and so on. In the temple of water I reach a well. Remember I'm under water so is the well. It is large enough for me to swim down it. The deeper I go the more luminous in become. Until there is no darkness i am surrounded by light. I reach a latter and climb down it. I enter a dry room. Here a white angelic entity approaches me identifies itself as the elemental of all elements- spirit and asks to see the symbol for spirit (a circle with an 'x' in it.) As soon as I show it the room is illuminated with many "doors" Each is more light a hole of white light. Each surround me in a circle. There are 12 total. I don't know where any of these will lead. There is one exception. A 13th spot that was not apparant until now with no door, but a large bridge over an abyss. It leads to a temple. The temple is black and enormous and has many windows from which white light shines.

To exist this ritual I go back through all the temple doors until I return to my staging area.

And there you have it. An example path working ritual that you can yourself and alter in any way you'd like. Or you can simply ignore and wait to see what I have in store the next I post to this thread! I do keep a journal of all that I expiernce and this is just one of many many ways to build a pathworking ritual.

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