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Entries on Friday 4th January 2008

entry Jan 4 2008, 05:34 PM
A shamanistic approach:

I appologize for such long posts but understand that the topics being mentioned are covered in entire books.

Well here's another common way to go about astral projection. But first a little backround info: This one is common amoungst shaman. Thats to say you pick up a book about shamanism, not Hopi rituals, and this is probably what you'll find. But it is based on what native tribes from all over the world seem to practice. To aid one may have partners and use tribal music, drum beats are most common. This will require a guide. Some archetypal figure to lead you on your travels. The best ones will be god forms. Though one can use their pet dog or bat man if they like. One can also create a thought form to act as a guide. Some tribes would use spirit guides, usually that of a guardian animal but also those of ancestors or entities like fairies or gnombs or angels.

The archetype of your choice should represent an intention. The difference between this technique and the first is that one is not aimlessly entering the astral plains. There is a purpose and a desire for an end result. Once you have found a reason -intention- for going to the astral plains and an archetype who would best suit your intentions get to know the archetype. This will not be nesseccary every time you AP just until you are familiar with your guide to be. Some essential things to learn are name, personallity, atributes, abilities, realms of existance (ex. Hades exists in the underworld) any elemental, zodiac and planetary correspondances, a primary color, and any sigil or symbol that represents your guide. For archetypes like bat man or a thought form you can make these things up. Just be thorough as possible. Spend enough time learning about the archetype that you can get a good picture in your head what it might look and act like.

Once you "know" the archetype its time to draw its essence to you. One does this by abtaining any oils, perfumes, candles, incenses, possibly metals, gems, stones, cloth of corresponding color, even feathers of a certain bird. All of these must be related to the archetype you are using. If you are creating one you can make these up. Again the more thorough you are the better.

Many tribes would do this type of ritual either naked and or covered in paint or dressed in a specific type of cerimonial wardrobe. But I'll let you descide whats appropriate for your ritual. The only other thing that should be addressed is chanting. This can be pretty simple but its pretty crittical to focus the mind and channel the energies. What ever it is you chant it doesn't have to rhym. Just be related to your archetype and articulate your deisre for an astral journey.

Now its time to put all this together.
1. Preferably outside at night, dusk or dawn by stereo or musician start the music and any chanting. If you are alone rub apply any oils you might be using to at least your temples. Then Draw a large circle - like at least ten feet in diameter. You may add to the center any elemental, planetary symbols or sigils.
2. Start at the north end and walk the perimeter of the circle, clockwise, with any candle. Hold it towards the center. Walk full circle and place the candle safely outside it on the north end and light it. If you have a second candle place it on the south end. A three and place them apart to make an equallateral triangle, pointing north. Four and place them on the cardinal directions. Repeat this with any incense only light prior to carrying it around to allow the sent to fill the area. Walk the perimeter of the circle once again to visualize a white light making a barrier. If others are involved make sure they are in the center if they are to directly aid, like rub oil into your temples and on your body. If they are playing drums or chanting they should be outside the circle. Everybody should also visualize the same barrier while you are walking the circle.
3. To symbolize the presence of the archetype hold any objects (like a stone, feather, amulet ect) you may have that correspond to it in the center and walk the circle once more while doing this and lay the object just outside the circle, starting north. Visualize the archetype in the center of the circle. You should try to have at least four such objects to place at each of the cardinal directions. Repeat this until all objects have been placed. If there are others involved they may hold them or not.
4. Once all items have been placed and there is nothing left to do but complete the process start at the north end and with arms and fingers stretched out to your sides start to spin in a clock wise motion and do this while walking clockwise around the circle. Like a planet rotates while revolvng around the sun.
5. Remember to keep chanting, keep your eyes open and remember to keep breathing! Don't want to pass out mid way and hurt yourself. Each time you complete one revolution around the circle your spinning should get faster and so should your chanting. If possible the tempo of the music beat should get faster as well. Walk the circle at least five times or until you've worked up a sufficient frenzy. Like maybe ten times full circle maybe even more.
6. At your last revolution once it ends at the north end close your eyes and fall on your back to the center arms and fingers still stretched out. This can be a little risky so it might be best to have somebody you trust catch you or something soft to fall on. While falling picture your archetype catching you. If you have a partner in the center let them rub oil to your temples and if your willing to your body.
7. This is the tricky part. Once your body hits the ground make sure your mind has been caught by your guide, such that you feel as though you are floating. perhaps the spinning alone will aid in this.
8. Let yourself go. Don't stop to think about any hands rubbing oil on you. Don't stop to think about your body let your guide take you. This is where the real journy begins. Once your mind is in the hands of the guide it will take you where your pre-determined intentions wanted.
9. Try not to rationalize what you see but remember it and just let it happen. Best to not think at all.
10. Your guide is your brain here and so when your guide feels you've had enough it will return you to your body. Once this happens relax and take the time to recall what you have seen. Once you feel you have remembered it is time to close the circle and end the ritual.
11. To close the circle stand up in the center start at the north end going counter clockwise- the time you will go in this direction- and visualize the white light being lifted up. Walk the same direction picking up the objects, before picking up the candles and incense, and either hand them to a partner or set them in the middle of the circle. Once the objects are picked up extinguish the candles, one by one, and hand the off as well. Then carry the incense and once full circle extinguish it too. Earase the circle and any center symbols the rite is complete, time to ground yourself. Do this by recording your experience and have a small meal.

this technique is a little more advanced so it would deffinately help out if you know how to meditate- to focus your mind and visualize- to see what in the world is going on with your eyes closed.

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