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Angalor's Blog

How To Earn $10,000 In An Hour

Many of the preconcieved notions that some practitioners have is that we, and we alone practice magick. Generally, the outside public has either no interest or they tend to put it on the pedestal with words like "evil" and "sin". This misconception is something I find very surprising as the years go by.
I have owned and begun 3 different businesses. All of these are side projects in order to earn extra income while I have a main flow of cash that pays the bills. In having businesses, you're drawn out of necessity to read on business, marketing and overall personal development.
Now, going back to my above paragraph. When I talk about this misconception, I'm talking about the practice and procedure of magick in it's application in daily life. Reading various business books, articles and blogs, I've realized that the same 'personal development' practices used in business is the same practices applied in magick.
Steve Pavlina is a multi-millionare business owner. He's one of the leading authors in blogging about personal development. His practices in business are the exect same as those in magick. He talks about the application of belief and faith being essential in becoming successful. Even some of his exercises are comparable to those in spell work and meditation.
His one article, how to earn $10,000 in an hour is not only motivational but very informative. I suggest that if you are serious in business, or even looking to start your own "passion" (as he states) take a look at his site. He talks about how to make $3000 in one month whilst doing nothing. Through the use of advertising on your website and generating more traffic you can turn $25 into $1000 within months.

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