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Angalor's Blog

Thunder Beings

I had the weirdest dream last night. I was standing on a large cliff over looking a vast valley. A storm had come in very quickly. Each thunderhead had a bright light attached to the front and back of it where they omitted blasts of lightening. These lightening strikes were so forceful and so damaging it seemed as if they were directed by an unseen force. Almost as if Zeus himself were throwing them down at people. I do remember being afraid of being struck, but never was.
After the storm passed the sky turned blue. Then, the clouds returned. Almost like smoke pouring out of a fogger machine and billowing the same way. It began to bubble and pucker, it somewhat resembled boiling water actually. These bubbling forms actually morphed into faces. They acted the same way as the boiling water, each bubble acting like a face emerging from and covering another. They began to say my name in unison. Each time they said my name a burst of thunder would strike out and resonate around me. At this point I knew part of my conscious was aware I was dreaming. I could feel my husband throw his arm around me and hear him breathing, but I was so deep in the dream I couldn't wake or shake myself from it. I remember trying to contact him by altering my breathing, letting out short gasps of air, but I wasn't successful. At this point, the faces were recognizable as god/esses and spirits. They seemed to be pleading with me.
I'd say "I'm here, I hear you! What do you need?" But they wouldn't answer. Finally a face came forth. This one was unlike the others. It didn't bubble or boil, it didn't move at all. I remember calling him my father (though he obviously wasn't). He gave me the impression of being "The" Father of everything, the creator. He began telling me a quote of Samuel Adams. I listened closely, willing the conscious part of my brain to hear it to so I could remember it upon waking. But "Father" began speaking in a dialect I couldn't understand. It almost seemed as if it were colors and waves he were speaking, not regular words. I'm assuming this to be the Divine language. He spoke directly to my subconscious, knowing that my conscious wouldn't be able to hear it. I know it's relating to something I have to do. No, not in a megalomania/Narcissistic sort of way. Just, something they need me to do for them.
When I awoke, I looked outside and saw that it had rained violently last night. Any connection? Possibly.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm a little confused as to what this meant.

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