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entry Jun 20 2006, 09:49 PM
Within the last few years I've dreamt of white animals in my dreams. I remember a few years ago I had a dream about being a part of a tribe of Native Americans. There was a man dressed in early 19th century style clothing who came to "free" the people. Knowing that this term ment enslavement and oppression the indians began to fight back.
At one point in the dream this man in black was wheeled out ceremoniously in a large cabinet or chamber. In the chamber was a head dress that would bestow upon him supreme power over people. At which point I fought my way to this inside of this chamber and grabbed the "head dress" (which actually was a white bulls head with a lightening bolt on the forehead.) and put it on. As soon as I had done this, a loud sounding of thunder resonated and woke me out of sleep.
After that it has been about riding white buffalo, becoming a white buffalo, also being called so by other "people" in my dreams. Also at one point I met with a white lion. The lion introduced himself as a helping spirit to me, saying that I need specific help in order to live through the traumatic period in my life. He came as a man in a white suit and resembled a mixture of Einstien and Mark Twain with a big white bushy mustache and white fly away hair. When I asked his name he pulled out a scroll and said he went by thousands of names. Some I couldn't even pronounce but, told me that I should just call him Dr. Hammilton.
Afterwards he came to me as a man or as a lion on some occasions. Often coaxing me out of a rut and helping me.
Then it was a white tiger that somehow came into my possession. This tiger was large and beautiful, I immediately had an affinity for the animal and seemed to be a guide of sorts for me. My husband came to me in the dream and said that we couldn't keep the animal, that our city wouldn't "allow" it. (I live in a very VERY small town with many tightwaded people who've recently protested Wal-mart. Yes, they're close to fundementalism and have extreme odd views..but they call it "christianity", which is far from it. Needless to say, if they found out about my practices I wouldn't put it past them to burn me at the stake...seriously) So I sadly allowed the animal to be freed, knowing that the people in my town would dismember the animal if they found out about it.
When I consulted my husband about it the next night before going to bed, he made mention of talking to Morpheus..a diety pertaining to dreams. I thought about it a while and decided I might later on but for now to go to sleep. That night I had an odd dream. (this being a day ago.)
I was standing in the middle of a town..I'm assuming my town..and the townspeople had been searching out the 'evil'. Anyone who was possessed or a practitioner of magick would be found out by thier feeling the 'burning' of the cross. I remember putting the cross to my lips and feeling it becoming unnaturally warm but scoffed at it, knowing that anyone who touched the cross would feel the burning.
While standing in the towns square, or central crossroad, there emmerged out of my peripheral view a man dressed in a monks brown robe crucified on a large wooden cross. He was an albino man with thick curly white hair. As the sun began to rise before him, I knew he would be burned alive due to the 'demons' that inhabited his body. I had the impression that there were 3 major demons that inhabited his body. One large one that coiled around his center, one in his left leg and the other in his right arm. As the sunlight dawned on him, he remained untouched. I walked over to him and helped him off of the cross, stating that maybe it was the demons that protected him from the light. (I did see this light as the light of god..but in a bastardized sort of "light"..such as jealous and spiteful)
(My impression was that these demons weren't malevolent or malichious but attatched themselves to this man for protection of a spiritual kind..and in return protected his body.)
When subjected to interior light, like that of a light bulb his skin began to boil and blister. He left the room and entered the library where he began reading scrolls and books by candle light.

I'm deeply confused by this..

It seems I did get somewhat of an answer to my questions about white beings, but I have absolutely no idea what it means. Any thoughts???

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