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entry Jun 6 2006, 08:45 PM
Well, I'm about 21 weeks along in my pregnancy. Which is the equivalent of being 5 months and one week. I actually enjoy being pregnant a little bit more than the last time. I love my daughter dearly, but man...did I hate being pregnant with her. (Believe me, if you were a woman and knew what it was like having a 6 pound Bruce Lee doing martial arts in your'd know what I mean). A lot of my frustration the last pregnancy also revolved around the stress I was subjected to. It wasn't easy. My husband was in the process of getting his green card (yeah like, he's Canadian ya hoser..always telling me that Canadian bacon in Canada is really called Ham, and how much our beer sucks like piss water), my mother was in a rocky relationship and would use me as a sounding board (often taking out a lot of her stresses on me). And, needless to say a "friend" that wasn't really "a friend" that hung around and still hangs around my house once in a while like some sort of lost little vermin.
Blech, but anyways. My husband and I are sure this time it's a boy. It's interesting, both times I knew when I had gotten pregnant and with my first child I "knew" it was a girl. Even when the guy who had done my ultra sound told me it was probably a boy, I still knew it was a girl. So, we're pretty excited to have a boy. Even if it is a girl, we're still happy.
I've actually been taking time this pregnancy to connect with my unborn child. I'm a little sad I wasn't able to do that with my daughter, but situations that unfolded and all the stress I had, I'm glad I was sane at all. This time I'm allowed a little bit more of a spiritual bonding with my child. It's great being able to teach my daughter about her new sibling that will be coming in October. She's still trying to understand completely (she's only three afterall) but she jabbers on about it all the time. Every now and then will tell someone to put one of her toys back, claiming "That's my sister's! Don't touch that!" Hehe..hope she's not too sad if it's a brother. I never had a sister so I wouldn't know what that was like.
My family was a little weird. My father had married my mother after a divorce with some woman in Oklahoma. He had two sons with her, who were teenagers by the time I was born. (yeah, my oldest brother is in his late 40's..odd huh?) Don't worry, my dad was born in 1937 so he was old enough to have kids at that time. Then he had my brother and then me. (Don't worry my father was too sick by the time I turned 6 to actually spoil me into a princess..I turned out to be more of the independent care taker like my mother). Then, my father died in 99'. Afterwards my mother met someone new and they are now marrying in August. I'm happy for her, after 11 years of taking care of my father and all the bitterness between them, she deserves some happiness. Her fiance has 2 sons and a daughter. So, I'll have 5 brothers and a sister.
My husband on the other hand...the ONLY child. So I feel sorry for him, he'll have NO idea what to expect with two children. Hehehhe..

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