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entry Jun 5 2006, 06:53 PM
I had quite an interesting dream the other night. Recently, I've been dreaming of Gabriel. Whenever I had been in a "sticky" situation, he had come to..well..rescue me. Such as one dream I had been visiting a mountain top cavern. Atop this mountain was a man who had a museum of sorts. In my curiosity, I decided to visit this mountain cavern. To my dismay, this cavern was a horrendous collection of dismembered body parts. A mixture of organic mutations and mechanical bastardations set in jars of fermenting fluid. The man himself was half mutant monster and machine.
At this moment, I turned on my heel and walked briskly out of the cavern. I tried not to alarm him of my leaving, but he knew that I was aware of what he was. He began to chase me down the mountain. I was fearing for my life at this moment, knowing what horrid atrocities that would befall upon me if he were to catch me. I made it to a pub of sorts and hid down into the cellar. I squeezed myself into a small crevice between two barrels of ale. I could hear his foot steps coming ever so slowly down the stairs, knowing he knew I was there. And knowing that he was blocking the only exit to the cellar. Oddly enough though, the dream began to loop. At the moment of that this mongrel of a monster would bend down to grab my shoulder I would be back at the top of the mountain running away from him, only to be back in the same predicament.
This was a terrible nightmare and actually I hated to go to bed after that but, the next night I managed. I had the same dream again. Only this time, I was descending a flight of stairs, and the maniac was behind me with an ax. I ran into a doorway that had been on the stairwell. At the end of this room I entered was an office. Mundane people, busily going about their business of sending faxes and running amuck. I stood there and looked at everyone and screamed. "Help me..I need help!!" At one point I grabbed one of these people and shook him violently by the collar. No one noticed me. And then, a man walked up to me with bright red hair. I had recognized him from previous dreams I had. I knew that this was Gabriel. He handed me a small slip of paper and told me to read it. I placed the slip down on the desk and read the paper. Knowing what it said I noticed the words were jumbled. I couldn't make sense of them, even though I could read the sentence. Then, it hit me, I was dreaming. At that point I turned around and transformed myself into an angel of incredible power. I pushed open the doors with an intense energy and vanquished the monster. I had complete control of my dream at that moment. It felt so enlightening.
This last time I saw Gabriel in my dream I had been to the akashic records the night before. I had been in this incredible room. There had been a fountain of pure white energy and gardens of white flowers. It was an impresive city, contained in what seemed a small room. I loved it there. It was the most beautiful place I had been to. I didn't want to leave. I spoke outloud and said "Please, don't make me go home." A woman's voice answered me and said, "If you want to stay, you'll have to die a very painful death since it isn't your time." Tell you the truth, it was tempting. I didn't even think of my daughter or my husband. I only thought of this incredible feeling of oneness. I was sent back to earth at this point. I had the ability to detect spirits. I remember not being able to enter a room unless I asked of the spirits there were benevolent or of ill intent.
The next night I had gone to meet Gabriel. I remember walking into the door of this old wooden house. I instinctively knew that this was God's "Tree House." (I'm assuming that this ment the tree of life.) Well, when I entered there were boxes of stuff everywhere. I had been walking around this small house taking in my surroundings when I walked into a kitchen and saw a skinny old man in a white bathrobe and slippers. I knew that this was God. "Not what you expected huh?" He said to me. "Feel free to look at all this crap, it's what you brought back with you from the records." So, I began to rummage through boxes. One thing caught my eye. A small silver ring with a round white stone in it. It was the "White Buffalo" ring. I knew this right away, since in previous dreams I had dreamt of being a white buffalo.
At this point I looked up and saw a door that I hadn't noticed before. I placed my hand on the door knob and at that moment God walked by with a steaming cup of tea and said.."Don't open that or you'll be sucked out into nothingness." I was tempted, thinking, what if he were lying and there's gold on the otherside. Then, I reasoned. Even if he were lying it's not worth finding out, my life is worth much more than gold.
I heard someone calling my name from behind me. Gabriel was in a small room, this time wearing a small white sash around his waist that drapped like a toga. A bright white light emerged from his back and gave the illusion of proverbial wings. He told me to have a seat in the students desk before him. I noticed at this time I was wearing a white robe myself, my sign of a novice I'm guessing. He told me that he was going to teach me the divine language.
He said he was going to speak a simple word and I were to repeat it. I remember his lips moving and I don't remember the exact word used, but it ment speak in english. He told me to repeat this word in the divine language. I did so and then I suddenly went deaf. I couldn't hear a thing he had said after that. At that moment God came in and remarkably I was able to hear him. He told me that since I was mortal it would be harder to learn the language and that it would take time. Apparently the reason humans aren't taught is because the moment they begin to learn it, they die and after a while are reborn and forget it and have to relearn. Why he wants to teach me this, I'm unsure. But, I do remember him speaking to me after that. We were sitting down on the overhang of God's front door, and were talking. We could see stars and galaxies swirling beneath us. I remember just speaking to him about my daily things, feeling wonderful to have someone to talk to.
I haven't been back since, apparently it takes a lot to go up to God's tree house. He does like to be alone and it was quite an honour to be invited there. laugh.gif (Tell you the truth, I think God is quite the cranky old fart.)
I've had many dreams of Gabriel, but he usually comes to me. The last few times I've actually journeyed to him. In this he seemed fuller and bigger. When saving me from my dreams he seemed so thin. But in his world he was larger and more muscular. He's also got quite a sense of humour. One day I had one of my daughters songs stuck in my head "I like to Ight Ight Ight Ipple and Baninis.." (Man, that drove me crazy). That night, Gabriel came to me and told me he had something funny to tell me. He said that Ipples were what the angels nicknamed newborn souls. I actually found this quite funny to say the least. Then, he was gone quickly after that. There were two other angels in the background (I'm assuming to be Michael and Raphael..but I could be wrong) and were on a journey to somewhere. I do remember Raphael having been dressed in a beautiful red silk shirt that resembled an oriental styled tunic with a high collar and a black sash.

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