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Thoughts of a follower of Anubis

Betrayed By My Own

I have been betrayed by one of my friends last night and was quite upset, he decided to fall asleep instead of do his job and his incompetence has cost me dearly. Naturally my first thought was to make sure he didnt have a peacefull nights sleep for a VERY long time, but I was furious at the time so I thought it better to wait til I calmed down and my mind was clearer before I decided to do anything I regreted. I went in my room and closed the door and prayed for about a half an hour, what went on is my bussiness but I came out alot happier then I was before.

I spent the rest of my night meditating and trying to come in contact with my beast which I have made alot of progress. It takes form as either a rabid wolf or rotwieler, I see it barking and snarling, I see the bloodlust in its eyes and its fearlessness. It doesnt seem to be intellegent but it knows who its enemies are, it is also chained to something that I cant see because it is dark but I tried to enter its mind and found my self having a completely different mentality, i cared not for my self I only saw my enemies and had an uncontrollable desire to hurt them...but my mind was racing so fast it was extremely hard to maintain focus and I quickly lost the connection.... angry_pissed_off_emoticon.gif

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