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entry Mar 10 2007, 03:45 PM
The results of the forth experiments are in.

I went in at 11:30 EST, but took my time getting to the Hut. I was following the advice Vagrant Dreamer gave in an earlier PM and tried to take in the whole experience to the exclusion of all else. I started small, with the moss-covered rock at the entrance to the path to the hut, then on the path and lastly on the interior of the Hut.

When I finally entered the Hut, Vagrant Dreamer was already there. I tried to draw the sign in the air and "pushing" it into his “context”; this was done three times before I saw him move his arms. Normally I simply try to manifest a sign so it is like the room, or more recently pull energy into the shape of the sign and releasing it toward him.

Thinking that Vagrant Dreamer is closer to seeing my symbol than I to his, I sat down and tried to think of what the movement looked like; this was less than fruitful. So I went at it from a different angle. I tried to sense what he was sending me, if there was anything attached to the energy, and so on. I had mixed results; mostly I just imaged things, and was able to dismiss them quickly. Yet, after some time I had a clear vision of pyramid with a single large trapezoidal indention per side, covering a large portion of each side.

One other event that stood out of me was the disappearance of the hut, and indeed the whole of the astral; all that remained was Vagrant Dreamer.

The rest of the time, I tried to sense the energy he was sending me. I was tempted to try as Vagrant Dreamer put it: “Pull myself in line” with him. But, I am still unable to feel his presence; I saw him and feel that there is a structure in the Hut that is different from the hut, but I get no particulars. An adequate analogy would be a rock in a glass of water.

I left at 12:07 EST.

Vagrant Dreamer responded to my PM containing the above information, by saying that he had missed my message to meet last Thursday, but was surprised that several of my experiences matched what he was doing. At around 11:20 he went to the same area we have been meeting- to practice. He did not see me but his “attention was continuously drawn to the opposite end of the hut.”


After some short time, I entered into a higher plane through means of a sort of 3-d gate sigil - it is a pyramid, although there are no trapezoids that you mentioned, however all the sides do have the same pattern on them. It is a somewhat complex symbol, and I normally take my time about creating it. I believe you may have gotten an impression of it's form.

We are getting better results, and quicker, than I thought possible. Normally I only see Vagrant Dreamer draw the sign. However, I was able to get the general shape of the out it this time; I am curious to know if he put more energy in to it, or if there was something else that was different about the way he created the sigil. If not then I would think a probable reason I saw it would be because f its effect on the environment. Alternatively, I was paying closer attention to what you where doing this time- and not sending you my sign.


I believe this is the point at which we were no longer in the hut setting. I'm curious as to what you perceived in the place we went to - it's possible what you experienced after this was the 'afterimage' of my presence, or more specifically, the part of me still on that level as my total body was stretched vertically into the target plane.

After the astral disappeared, I was left in a void much like the one that I enter to first enter the astral- Vagrant Dreamer was there to start with but soon I could not find him. So- figuring I left with out intending to- I went back to the hut. Once there his after image theory is likely what happened. I tried to pull myself in line with him, but though I could see him and feel that there was a structure in the Hut that is different from the hut; I got no particulars. I refer to my earlier analogy of a rock in a glass of water.


…I left the astral at around 11:55 or so, just before midnight.

So again, we seem to have a curious synchronicity of timing. This time, however, I did not perceive you at all - although I did think about you, and our experiments, a number of times during the experience.

I am sill more than a little concerned and rather baffled about the timing. Yet progress is being made, so I should worry less abut the timing in a place with no time.

More to come.

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Mar 7 2007, 11:21 PM
My apologies for the delay in posting; my various bosses decided that I should finish what they wanted before what I wished to do.

Wishing to gain as much experience as possible, I would wait in the Hut for Vagrant Dreamer. I first arrived at approximately 10:50 EST; I had no trouble finding or entering the Hut. Upon entering I found the no one there, thinking I was early I decided to try to make the Hut as manifested as I was able. I took my usual seat and tried to prod the room with my mind- the intent was to force a “solidification” of the space. Once I was satisfied that I had done all I could, I began to pace the room, working as if it where a physical space.

[Here I will relate many of the common issues a have when in the astral. This is partly of what Vagrant Dreamer said in a PM I will get to later. Note that this sort of thing a have become used to, and many last no longer than a flash.]

While there, I would lose focus and something would pop in to the room. The fist occurrence was shortly after a started to pace. I was looking at the chair and was taken aback when I saw several people I know sitting in it. Some time latter, I found myself looking at back at me, as in the third person- this was probably because I was thinking how I would look if someone were watching. Lastly, I became aware of my physical/astral bodies.

I decided that I should retire for a bit because these things where starting to happen too close together. It was 11:12.

I arrived for the second time at 11:20 or there about. Finding the Hut, as before, with ease. I decided to stand this time; because of the strait posture is easer to hold while I tried to find Vagrant Dreamer.

This time I tried to search him out, as apposed to sending out a beacon as I normally do. There was a moment- that a week ago I would have dismissed- when I thought I found him. I am still too unacquainted with his “feel,” to be sure, if it was him. The person I found was not in the room, but neither was it in my head- as is normally the case when it is not in the room.

After a bit, realized that Vagrant Dreamer was off in the corner; I know not how long he was there, nor if he was there then, since I had not felt him enter. He became more familiar over time, and I then knew it was him. I noticed that he was not his normal brilliantly charged self; there was no static this time. In fact, he was more like a generic person. Shaped like a person, with all the features but I could not tell anything about him.

At this point, I started to make my sign and attempted to convey whom I was. He did not seem to take notice, at first, but soon an interesting phenomenon occurred; he became like two. Both bodies where originating at the same place, but one closer to me and far more intense. This passed quickly though, so I did not worry and went back to signing.

As much as it upsets me to say, I did not see his sign; only the waving of his arms. This time he made an “L” or half of a square, before one stretched out above his head. [His fingers might have been glowing, but as this only occurred to me after his PM. So I am unsure if this is what I saw.]

After much more signing, I was disturbed. At approximately 11:50 or so, several very drunk neighbors decided to stand outside my door. I was dragged out of the astral when they started to pound on the wall- 12:00.


It seems like you got there early. I got there early as well, but had a little sidetrack. I arrived around 11:40 our time, but was lead off to some other local in the same sphere by a crow.

I will not bore you all with the details of his diversion. Suffice to say the crow taught him “to shift my astral vision” and he found “astral larvae creatures” on himself, the room and me. He used solar energy to rid us of them. For which I am thankful.

This could explain the “two bodies” affair a witnessed. One of the bodies was rather intense.

One more point that that may have had an effect on the experiment: he “attempted to shield the area, but tried to leave a path open from the entry point that was described before.” I was not aware of any changes, but it may have had an effect I'm not attuned enough to have noticed.


This time, when we exchanged signs, I saw two triangles of Air, interlocked at the base, so that a smaller triangle was established between them. I the thought "two air, three fire" and then "23" occurred to me when I saw it.

This was astounding to read, the first accurate estrange, the 23 is spot on (my nomenclature) - the name I have given to a set a characteristics in my personality. The triangles where close but I was not projecting triangles. The interlocking shapes and there number correct though.

When he talked on how he was transmitting his sign Vagrant Dreamer said he “drew it” and “pushed it in to my sphere.” This is important because 1) I now know why he is always waving his arms, and 2) his method differs from mine. I try to monotheist the sign- in the air, on the floor, in where I feel him coming from, exc. It is only the feeling I have ever tried to send to him, in a similar way. Others are better equipped to annalize this than I, so I will leave it at that.


We seemed to spend a great deal of time exchanging signs like that, maybe trying to get it right, and then it seems like you tried to go to another locale, the white room from before, or at least, the cabin shifted to the white room, apparently on it's own.

I too, found myself in the room; often find myself in places where I did not intend to go, so it did not accrue to me that he came along with the change. This happened too fast for me to notice him- only a flash.

On this topic Vagrant Dreamer wrought:

As before, I had consciously tried to pull myself in line with you. It seems that in the moments I have your attention, and I yours, we are in line. When one of us veers off for whatever reason, it seems likely that one can still perceive the other, though they no longer perceive them - after all, you can avoid attention in the astral and still observe, so it follows that you can divert attention and no longer notice. Pay attention to the feeling of people paying attention to you in any way, especially when you are not initially paying attention on them. Then it may be easier to 'hang on' to me. If we're hanging on to one another, then we will be able to gain more control over our temporary mutual context.

As always he had something insightful to say. I will try this and report anything of interest


After this, it seemed we had little more to exchange - I got the feeling that you were anxious, or maybe irritated? The thought also occurred to me that "we're need to work on exchanging signs" and agreed with it, and so withdrew. My clock read 12:15.

This would be the above-mentioned drunks. Also I might have expressed doubt to where AP communication could work, this might have left him with the impressions of irritated or anxious, and "we're need to work on exchanging signs." I was not paying close attention to my thoughts, so I cannot be sure.

I was concerned with the timing. But Vagrant Dreamer did not seem to think the discrepancies where so large as to put of the results.


You were in the astral approximately 40 minutes - at around 30 minutes, you were disturbed. I was there for about 35 minutes. Granted it's a fairly average time for a relatively quick experiment, it's fairly close… While our timing in the physical is sometimes off, it seem still have some intersecting experiences, intersecting from different points in time… It sort of makes sense - the astral body is always there, and we can trade information unconsciously across the dimension of time and space, so it follows that we can meet each other independent of physical time. Something else to ask edunpanna about. While I've done a lot of astral travel, I've never aligned it with someone I was trading experiences with in this way.

I will continue to work on what has been suggested to me, and as always updates will be made when something is worth telling.


 | Category: Current Projects
entry Mar 3 2007, 02:07 AM

I sorry to say that this time the results where less exciting than before. I went in at around 11:30 EST. using the prescribed method suggested by Vagrant Dreamer, with input form Edunpanna. The method was intended to conform to my view of the astral, to be sure we met on the right plane. Where we enter the same plane of the astral in order to be in sync. The sphere of yesod was chosen and imagery to insure that I make it there.

[A forest, with a path leading from a large boulder covered in moss to a very simple wooden hut. Within the hut, there was a fireplace two chairs.]

I entered in to the forest and found the house; I even entered the house with out problem- rather easily, in fact. As it turned out I had arrived first so a took a chair, and began to wait. Nothing much happened for some time, though I did have some issues keeping my mind from wandering with nothing engaging happening. The fist time that a figure entered the hut I tried to sense where it was from- to try to determine if it was there of its own accord. [SEE THIS POST] I quickly found that I could not determine where it was from; realizing it had manifested- because of my intention to meet someone- the figure faded. To prevent similar manifestations I tried to solidify the room. My attempts met with no avail; I was loosing interest.

Astral projecting is chaotic for me at best, but when engaged I can hold my focus for some time. After sometime more and a general call for Vagrant Dreamer- in the form of a mantra made of his name- I gave up. I came out of the astral at 12:15 EST.

In the PM Vagrant Dreamer sent, telling of his experience the following passage was included:

�I introduced with... the elder sign, or pentagram... I didn't see you respond with anything though. This time your appearance was a little more ethereal, and the surroundings kept changing, so I wasn't sure if you were totally there or not.�

[I am keeping the sign I use to introduce myself with, to myself, in order to provide a degree of legitimacy to the results. I am worried that if Vagrant Dreamer and I start trading our favorite greetings, we will inevitably imagine the other giving the correct sign.]

It would seem that for whatever reason I was not able to see him, but my appearance would suggest that he did see me and not a ministration of his own making. I may have indeed been in several parts of the astral, and to an outside observer the workings of my mind would most likely appear to be in constant flux.

�I tried to get a sense of your energy this time before projecting, so that I could meet you where you were and tried to 'pull' you into phase with me while meeting you halfway where I could.�

This was a very good idea on Vagrant Dreamer�s part. I will try to do the same next time. It may also help to know more about how one thinks,- we have never met in person, which limits us considerably- it may narrow the gap between us. I will go over some of his old posts to that end.

�At one point at the beginning I tried to find you� I'm not sure if I�m familiar enough with your energy, but I found a presence and tried to communicate a little just before midnight. Any odd thoughts around then?�

No, no odd thoughts; that would have been around the time I was thinking of leaving, perhaps I was distracted.

This latest experiment would seem to support my prior hypothesis. Vagrant Dreamer has- what I'm assuming to be- many times my own prowess in the astral. This allows him a better grasp of the dreamscape. In my last post, I told how I was unable to enter the Room, and despite my presence out side the room- and the considerable ruckus I made- Vagrant Dreamer was un able to tell I was there till a actually entered the Room. In the PM he sent after, he forwarded the theory that the room had become too established, hence my difficulty entering. The same theory may explain my inability to tell when Vagrant Dreamer was in the hut. My hut was too real for me to see anything else but the room.

It would seem if communication in the astral is possible it is only possible to one with an acute sense of the astral that most likely develops over time. If you will recall we have all ready made much progress in our endeavor; this is not meaningful communication, we have yet to see the correct signs.

I will continue to experiment and hone my sense of the astral, in hopes of future success.

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Feb 27 2007, 03:17 AM

Right, so as I sit here, drinking tea, and trying to calm my fade nerves; I can take hart in the fact that I can relate some good news. I spent some thirty minutes prepping for the trip to the astral- incense, candle and tea- I slipped in and out of my body; no doubt, performance anxiety. Upon my entrance in to the astral,- at about quarter till eleven EST- I quickly found the Room in which Vagrant Dreamer and myself where to meet. However, this is where my normally routine visit became most frustrating.

In my mind, I saw the Room as simple, white and square. There were no openings, but normally this is no obstacle- I normally �will� in to the room, and pop in where ever I am trying to go. This time as far as I got was to view the in side of the room. I was still out side and unable to get in, but I could see the outline of the interior. It took a considerable amount of force of will to keep even this up and I soon had exhausted all the will I could muster. At this point, I was pulled back in to my body. I believe this was due to the effort I exerted trying to stay in the room, which jarred me from repose.

My second effort took place moments after finding myself pull out of the astral. This time a tried to force my way in to the room- going so far as to pull at the walls. I feel profoundly ashamed at this, for no sooner had I failed at pulling down a wall than the thought occur to me to �make a door.� This method worked far better.

This time I entered and saw a figure standing in the room looking at me. It was bright white and somewhat fuzzy like T.V. static- I could not see too well at this point. Yet, I could see or rather sense would be a better word, the figure- how I now believe to be Vagrant Dreamer- extended and waved in unison his arms in what I believe to be a sideways cross- fist right to left then bent. I am afraid that I probably expecting too much, first tried to speak, then upon failing to utter a sound, began to turn and �ball up.� What Vagrant Dreamer saw might have been, �something like the rosy cross - a cross with each of the extended parts also crossed, like four t's connected at their bases 90 degrees from one another.� This, I can assure you, I was in no conduction think of, much less make.

[Upon reading a Pm from Vagrant Dreamer concerning his actions to prevent himself from thinking up someone before I arrived: "I just sat and waited I'm pretty sure I didn't manifest anything... [Your image] to be elementally air in nature, white and flowy like [my image] normally is." I am beginning to worry. I will know more when he responds to a request of clarification on what this means.]

I am also afraid that I was not thinking too well, having met with obstacle after obstacle- most, like the inability to "will" myself in to a structure, I have not encountered in a long time- and having been drained some what more than I'm used to, let my mind wander. I am sorry to confirm the second part of what Vagrant Dreamer saw. In a message he told me "I believe you attacked me as a test." No, not quite, neither as a test nor at you per se; I lashed out at the room that had caused me so much trouble and did not mind where I was toughing my ill will. I do apologize if any of that came your way.

I left shortly after my temper tantrum, unable to maintain the effort to stay in the astral. This occurred at about twelve twenty or there about. I was eager to record as much of it as I could before the details and impressions escaped me. It seems I spend about one and a half hours in the astral- if you do not count my performance anxiety. I believe this approximates the time that Vagrant Dreamer spent there, adding a bit of reserved optimism to my report. Do note however that I may be wrong.

From the messages he sent I could make two assumptions, the first is that this experiment would have been far more successful if I had kept my head about me. Second, in regards to why I could not enter the Room in my usual manner might have been one of two reasons; first, the simpler of the two: I was off my game and/or distracted. Or the other possibility: my lack of experience was to blame. Not to say that I have no experience in the astral, far from it, but my previous experiences may have BEEN the problem, leading me to become conferrable with having the only conciseness to interact with namely my own. Excluding the little nasties that I sometimes think up. I believe that I was unable to �will� in to the Room because of the unfamiliar presence. It could have been enough to add an unforeseen valuable, which as in the past, stopped me from performing actions that I normally pay no heed. If this is the case, then all that is required is to become better acquainted with Vagrant Dreamer.

More information will add to the likely hood of future success, there for we must try it again. I will continue to post the results here after each experiment.

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Feb 26 2007, 01:46 AM

Some that have been to Dream Works forum may have come across a topic going by the same name as this entry. Those of you who have followed the topic will know that Vagrant Dreamer and myself have decided to run an experiment, to determine if one can hold a conversation in the astral.

The experiment is to preformed by the two of us astral projecting in to a "three dimensional sigil-" a simple white room. Results are to be kept and reported after a few runs. The experiment will be tweaked if there is no success, probably with the addition of a "sigil... put on the floor of said room. The law of sympathy takes over from there."

Any results of this experiment will be posted here. As will any updates to the methodology. Expect posts to be made biweekly- more if I deem it necessary.

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