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 | Category: Exploits
entry Jan 31 2013, 09:00 AM
It turns out that you can convert a image or sigil into a audio file but most of what you get is nothing -white noise/silence- or an ear piercing screeching sound.

 | Category: Exploits
entry Jan 23 2013, 06:56 PM
So I ran across a half baked idea on OF today; I am going to shamelessly steal and bake myself. The idea involved using a program called audacity to convert a image file into sound file to create an audio sigil. I like to think of it a mantra, but the idea of an audio sigil is interesting. The creator of this idea envisioned as a sort of subliminal message that would effect people in some way. That sounds to me like a mantra except that it is not intended to in quite the same way. A mantra the is sound a rishi or seer hears when in samadhi on an energy. That sound will bring you closer to the energy it represents.

If this conversion is able to convert the essence of the image as well as the information then it could be used for the SM temple. One of the hardest problems with the temple was that new people could not AP to the temple. If it works like a mantra then it might lead people to the energy. The only issue is that a mantra needs someone to keep it alive. Energy is expended when someone uses a mantra. Normally, a mantra is part of a tradition where the adepts continually empower the mantra. This Temple mantra will not be part of a tradition so it will need to be self empowering. There are two ways to do this: use the temple guardian or have people do a number of repetitions before using it. A common number is 100,000 repetitions for each syllable while concentration is on a field of energy - the two become infused with each other. If people have trouble with AP they will have trouble with this.

Using the temple guardian is more problematic up front but easier for the Neophytes. Some way would have to be found to 1) talk to the guardian, 2) explain what I am doing then, 3) have it help and keep up the work after I am gone. The basic outline would be to have the guardian gather energy or supervise a device to gather energy to witch the mantra is infused. I am thinking a crystal that vibrates with the mantra.

I would be a rather large under taking but it would be worth it to make grater use of the temple. It might also be useful to make a library of sorts where "knowledge is kept". I don't know how, but I have done experiments with astral equivalents counter parts for books with mixed results. Also I know that the Akashic record is a possible source of knowledge I need to look into this.

 | Category: Exploits
entry Nov 9 2011, 05:19 PM
Quite some time ago I had the idea to have a stone as a seat for visiting spirits and what not. So I used a ink divination (ink from coal dust and soot mixed with diversionary herbs and resins placed into a scrying bowl) to find the correct stone. Some time later I was walking about and found a stone that matched nicely the one I had seen in my scrying. Bleached smooth coral in the rough shape of a doughnut "L". I was unable to acquire it. So I redid the divination to find a new one, but kept seeing the same stone. I tried looking for where it was but came up with hazy results. Now a good six months after I had given up finding it I am walking around and find it sitting in my neighbors garden. I take it home and am now building an alter around it. I think I should have tried to see the distance between me and the stone. Not sure how it would have played out but it would have told me I was not close enough to it.

 | Category: Exploits
entry Jun 11 2011, 07:55 PM
This is a fun new realization. Emotions are energy not simply something that energizes. It turns out that as a you get more sensitive you can feel the texture of an emotion and the related energy as it rises from the associated organ and goes some place in your body. Realizing this it is something of a simple matter to transform any given emotion in to another or convert it completely back in to neutral energy. In fact energy that is sired up into emotions is surprising easy to convert in to purer forms of chi. The main point is that energy is energy and the differences between types are few. If you neutralize the differences by acknowledging them and comparing the emotion to pure chi and then looking for the similarities between pure chi and the emotions the two will start to look every smiler. Then even more so until you can't tell the difference.

In the purist yang there is yin and in the purist yin there is yang, find the part of the emotion you want in the emotion you have and focus on it and disregard the rest. Soon the whole blob of emotional energy is changed.

 | Category: Exploits
entry Apr 21 2011, 08:10 PM
I'm getting to a deeper part of karma now, the sort of things that are established very early on and built up over many small almost inconsequential events. After doing a hour or so chakra meditation to open up my chakras I started a mindfulness meditation and followed my thoughts as they arose. I hit on one that I noticed produced a particular feeling both physical and emotional. I'll not go into it because it contains the singular risk of turning this blog into mopey teenage poetry. After I studied the thought and the feeling for sometime and it was hard to absorb it has been with me for so long it connects to a lot of other things. It is taking a while to work though and even though the effects are not nearly as potent as my early karma it is more poignant and my mood suffered for a few days.

As I work though this bit of my karma I am very emotionally vulnerable and EVERY little thing is more bothersome or upsetting than before. Someone knocks in to my chair and I have to remind myself it was not purposeful. The normal dissociative behavior of people I work with and the disingenuous behavior of others hurts like a personal insult. Several days latter I have either gotten more sensitive generally or it is just because of the Karma, because even being around people who are angry feels like their emotions are washing over me. That cave in the mountains is looking better by the day.

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