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fatherjhon's Blog

New Idea

In a discussion about my servitor that needs more energy than I wish to give it. It has been suggested that I could use a talisman fueled by one or more thoughtforms that could act as a sort of shield as apposed to my original idea of a servitor as an alarm. If you wish to read the original discussion, it can be found here:

�Create constructs or thoughtforms that will do nothing but feed a talisman with power.� The purpose would be protection. I have never tried this. Though I have knowledge of the components necessary for its completion, I am rather unsure about the how to combine them.

Now I keep a book of results, but as a member of this community gave me the idea then I think it only polite to keep the community informed of my progress. To that end I will be posting here periodically with up dates.

As always your help is welcome and appreciated. Now I must go consult my books! mf_bookread.gif

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