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fatherjhon's Blog

Ruffing It Out

After some two days I have decided on a design for my talisman. I have chosen Saturn as my central theme. I I'm going to be keeping with my tradition of using a rather highly modified system of enochian magick mixed with planetary magick and some alchemy\Wicca to cover my bases.

The talisman has eight sides because I found some six references to this being the number of Saturn. There are however a few discrepancies between different sources, as to the number. I have incorporated the names of the seven arch angels (That is the funny lines on the outer rim trying to impersonate Hebrew) as well as two sigils of angels involved in the invocation of Jupiter, three angles that rule over the planet and its zodiac sign. The three angles that rule the planet where drawn using the rose cross method. And the other two of the angels were pulled from the Grater Key of Solomon.

Finding quite a few correspondences with earth and earth elements, I added a pentagram. In the places where it seemed most helpful or where I just wanted to them are the alchemic signs for earth, salt, lead, and tartar. In the center there is an oval shape that marks the space where an onyx would be set in lead.

The talisman itself will be made of Ash or lead depending on which involves less effort. Names, sigils, signs, and what-have-you are at the moment slated to be of lead, but this could change to one or more possible metals or they could turn out to be simple engravings. This is reliant mainly on what I feel like doing. Yellow, white, black, brown, turquoise and gray are the colors with the most relevance to my needs, so they are the colors that I will paint it.

As of right now all I have is a ruff sketch of the talisman.

Tomorrow a will work on designing my servitor(s) but now I need sleep. I will post again when I have more to say.

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