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fatherjhon's Blog


Good day all,

I have seen many things, odd or slightly off, in the time I have dabbled in magick; but this morning I saw something slightly more off-kilter than I am accustomed to. Leaving my dorm at about six in the morning a headed off to the bus stop, when I rather large raven landed on a street lamp some ten feet in front of me. Anywhere else, this might be dismissed but I currently live on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. There are no ravens here- many, many, pidgins, but no ravens. It was a little odd to be sure, but what got my intention was that even when it crowed and flew off, no one seemed to notice.

Never before has any type of apparition- be it spirit, construct, or elemental, even auras -none have been this clear. Every other time I have seen something it was like I forgot to where my glasses; blurry and jumpy. Yet, not this bird, it was as if, and this may indeed be the case, it was a real flesh and blood raven.

I will keep an eye out for it. In the meantime I will try to get a baring with tarot, then go from there.


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