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fatherjhon's Blog

Bondesc Trip To Occult Store


{This was dreaming the plain old none lucid kind.}

It occurred to me several hours after I woke up, to check my dream Journal- some times I know I wrote something in it, some times I don't. This morning I found a rather interesting dream.

It begins in my old neighborhood in the sadly under stocked "new age" store. I'm browsing the three isles and thinking why don't I use the express. I have the vague impression that �the express� is a sort of subway. So I go to he back of the store and push down a wall, it gives way- swings on hinges. I walk over it and find myself on a large round tube thing.

I'm underground for some time, but emerge out of a wall in what I described in my journal as a large industrial shipping center. All concrete, and open on one side, with a few trucks that where being filled with boxes by workers. The workers did not seam to notice, so I strolled out on to the street.

Here I wrote of feeling the small suburban town- like the suburbs of New York or Baltimore- was somewhere in the Midwest, but after pondering the word "hills" and "San Francisco" I think it must have been in the foothills of the rocky moutons, Montana maybe.

I walked in the street awhile, then boarded a trolley and headed down hill for some time before winding up at literally the end of the line. The rail that the trolley was riding on stops right at the front door of a large three-storied integrity carved wood building. There is a something over the double door but I don�t think I could read it. Interring the building, I saw a large open space with carved wood beams holding up the two floors above. There was a large skylight where both the upper floors had been removed. Looked like a resort cabin, with masks and totems hanging on the walls.

There was an old- old but not elderly- looking man in the kind of storekeeper dress that one sees in Client Eastwood westerns- standing at the front counter. The counter is covered in odds and ins, the big glass front shows off several anthems and goblets. I ask him something that might have been along the lines of "what do you sell�" Hear my journal becomes nearly indecipherable, so I can't tell you what he said but, it was definitely occult related- I get that impression clearly.

I'm looking at the scene trying to see what else is there, when abruptly I'm back in the Shipping center, getting on the tube train. As I'm riding back I get the impression I'm remembering something- the shopkeepers name perhaps? I am riding the train for some time trying to tease out what it could be, and then- in a most un-dramatic way- I wake up.


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