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fatherjhon's Blog

Experiment #3

My apologies for the delay in posting; my various bosses decided that I should finish what they wanted before what I wished to do.

Wishing to gain as much experience as possible, I would wait in the Hut for Vagrant Dreamer. I first arrived at approximately 10:50 EST; I had no trouble finding or entering the Hut. Upon entering I found the no one there, thinking I was early I decided to try to make the Hut as manifested as I was able. I took my usual seat and tried to prod the room with my mind- the intent was to force a �solidification� of the space. Once I was satisfied that I had done all I could, I began to pace the room, working as if it where a physical space.

[Here I will relate many of the common issues a have when in the astral. This is partly of what Vagrant Dreamer said in a PM I will get to later. Note that this sort of thing a have become used to, and many last no longer than a flash.]

While there, I would lose focus and something would pop in to the room. The fist occurrence was shortly after a started to pace. I was looking at the chair and was taken aback when I saw several people I know sitting in it. Some time latter, I found myself looking at back at me, as in the third person- this was probably because I was thinking how I would look if someone were watching. Lastly, I became aware of my physical/astral bodies.

I decided that I should retire for a bit because these things where starting to happen too close together. It was 11:12.

I arrived for the second time at 11:20 or there about. Finding the Hut, as before, with ease. I decided to stand this time; because of the strait posture is easer to hold while I tried to find Vagrant Dreamer.

This time I tried to search him out, as apposed to sending out a beacon as I normally do. There was a moment- that a week ago I would have dismissed- when I thought I found him. I am still too unacquainted with his �feel,� to be sure, if it was him. The person I found was not in the room, but neither was it in my head- as is normally the case when it is not in the room.

After a bit, realized that Vagrant Dreamer was off in the corner; I know not how long he was there, nor if he was there then, since I had not felt him enter. He became more familiar over time, and I then knew it was him. I noticed that he was not his normal brilliantly charged self; there was no static this time. In fact, he was more like a generic person. Shaped like a person, with all the features but I could not tell anything about him.

At this point, I started to make my sign and attempted to convey whom I was. He did not seem to take notice, at first, but soon an interesting phenomenon occurred; he became like two. Both bodies where originating at the same place, but one closer to me and far more intense. This passed quickly though, so I did not worry and went back to signing.

As much as it upsets me to say, I did not see his sign; only the waving of his arms. This time he made an �L� or half of a square, before one stretched out above his head. [His fingers might have been glowing, but as this only occurred to me after his PM. So I am unsure if this is what I saw.]

After much more signing, I was disturbed. At approximately 11:50 or so, several very drunk neighbors decided to stand outside my door. I was dragged out of the astral when they started to pound on the wall- 12:00.


It seems like you got there early. I got there early as well, but had a little sidetrack. I arrived around 11:40 our time, but was lead off to some other local in the same sphere by a crow.

I will not bore you all with the details of his diversion. Suffice to say the crow taught him �to shift my astral vision� and he found �astral larvae creatures� on himself, the room and me. He used solar energy to rid us of them. For which I am thankful.

This could explain the �two bodies� affair a witnessed. One of the bodies was rather intense.

One more point that that may have had an effect on the experiment: he �attempted to shield the area, but tried to leave a path open from the entry point that was described before.� I was not aware of any changes, but it may have had an effect I'm not attuned enough to have noticed.


This time, when we exchanged signs, I saw two triangles of Air, interlocked at the base, so that a smaller triangle was established between them. I the thought "two air, three fire" and then "23" occurred to me when I saw it.

This was astounding to read, the first accurate estrange, the 23 is spot on (my nomenclature) - the name I have given to a set a characteristics in my personality. The triangles where close but I was not projecting triangles. The interlocking shapes and there number correct though.

When he talked on how he was transmitting his sign Vagrant Dreamer said he �drew it� and �pushed it in to my sphere.� This is important because 1) I now know why he is always waving his arms, and 2) his method differs from mine. I try to monotheist the sign- in the air, on the floor, in where I feel him coming from, exc. It is only the feeling I have ever tried to send to him, in a similar way. Others are better equipped to annalize this than I, so I will leave it at that.


We seemed to spend a great deal of time exchanging signs like that, maybe trying to get it right, and then it seems like you tried to go to another locale, the white room from before, or at least, the cabin shifted to the white room, apparently on it's own.

I too, found myself in the room; often find myself in places where I did not intend to go, so it did not accrue to me that he came along with the change. This happened too fast for me to notice him- only a flash.

On this topic Vagrant Dreamer wrought:

As before, I had consciously tried to pull myself in line with you. It seems that in the moments I have your attention, and I yours, we are in line. When one of us veers off for whatever reason, it seems likely that one can still perceive the other, though they no longer perceive them - after all, you can avoid attention in the astral and still observe, so it follows that you can divert attention and no longer notice. Pay attention to the feeling of people paying attention to you in any way, especially when you are not initially paying attention on them. Then it may be easier to 'hang on' to me. If we're hanging on to one another, then we will be able to gain more control over our temporary mutual context.

As always he had something insightful to say. I will try this and report anything of interest


After this, it seemed we had little more to exchange - I got the feeling that you were anxious, or maybe irritated? The thought also occurred to me that "we're need to work on exchanging signs" and agreed with it, and so withdrew. My clock read 12:15.

This would be the above-mentioned drunks. Also I might have expressed doubt to where AP communication could work, this might have left him with the impressions of irritated or anxious, and "we're need to work on exchanging signs." I was not paying close attention to my thoughts, so I cannot be sure.

I was concerned with the timing. But Vagrant Dreamer did not seem to think the discrepancies where so large as to put of the results.


You were in the astral approximately 40 minutes - at around 30 minutes, you were disturbed. I was there for about 35 minutes. Granted it's a fairly average time for a relatively quick experiment, it's fairly close� While our timing in the physical is sometimes off, it seem still have some intersecting experiences, intersecting from different points in time� It sort of makes sense - the astral body is always there, and we can trade information unconsciously across the dimension of time and space, so it follows that we can meet each other independent of physical time. Something else to ask edunpanna about. While I've done a lot of astral travel, I've never aligned it with someone I was trading experiences with in this way.

I will continue to work on what has been suggested to me, and as always updates will be made when something is worth telling.


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