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fatherjhon's Blog

Experiment #7


At about 11:50 in stared to project. I made my way to the hut, entered and took my seat. After a bit Vagrant Dreamer showed up, and I started to sign, using the same method as before; I did so twice then spent the rest of the time to sync with him. I may have been successful because I started to feel like I was being solidified. Things began to vibrate or shake. It did not last long but something out of the ordinary did happen.

After the shaking episode, I tried to make out what Vagrant Dreamer was sending me. Got the impression of a two dimensional sigil- drawn as if on a rose cross. But this may have only been me, because when I thought of what it might have been, the sigil changed.

I left the astral at 12:17.


I did get the sense that you were transmitting something, but instead of seeing visual shapes of any kind, I had a series of thoughts - twenty three occurred again, but then I thought '2 in 3' and then '3 in 2'. This phrase repeated several times, and then I attempted to show my own sign when it seemed apparent I was not going to get a cohesive visual.

Sorry, no idea what 2 in 3 and 3 in 2 means.


TO metnion the rose cross is interesting, though not specifically accurate, it could be called similar to that. I am using the same symbol each time in the hope that consitency will eventually make it more real.

I too am keeping consistent on this end. A thought occurred to me, but it may be best suited for I different experiment all together. I would like to know if you believe that a simple sign- that is seen or used many times- would in theory be easer to communicate than a complex personal sign. I ask because the signs that we have had the most success with have been personal ones.

Given what I hope is my luck with synchronizing with him, I will try to do so at the beginning of each run and determine if I can recreate the results.

After our last experiment, I was shown Vagrant Dreamer�s picture. This success with synchronizing might or might not have anything to do with seeing his picture, so I will try to get mine posted as soon as I can.


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