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fatherjhon's Blog

That Raven Again...

Greetings all,

I have seen the big raven again, this time it was on the bus ride home from the library- some fifteen miles from where I first saw it. This time I was sure to note all physical features, as well as behaviors. The bird was about two feet long, had a gray or white tuft of feathers on its breast. It landed on a stop sign and looked at me for a moment, before the bus started moving. It flew in from the east- my right,- stayed on the sign after the buss left.

I have been doing some looking in to raven symbolism and myths. But there is too many conflicting traditions, to decipher meaning. Came across the idea of a spirit guide, but am unsure of how to find out this raven is indeed my guide- have yet to find out what a spirit guide is. More books are needed on this topic.


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