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fatherjhon's Blog

Experiment #8-9

Experiment #8

Well, I am out of practice. At about 11:35 I started to project. I arrived at the Hut and sat down. Almost immediately, I felt something, not a sure if it was you trying to contact me but I got nothing definite. A sent my sign three times, then tried to see yours; with little success. All I could see was your form, soft tones of gray mist. I did not even see your face as I normally do.

After some time I sent my sign one more and left with out getting anything. Perhaps you had more success. Look forward to your side of things.

�You know, I have been trying to recall it all day, but I fell asleep at some point while projecting and moved into a dream state. I was awoken suddenly when I tipped over and caught myself, and couldn't remember much of the dream or the projection after that I'm afraid, I remember walking down the path to the cabin, and I think I actually got there, but at that point I can't remember what we did, only that I remember trying to remember, if that makes sense, and then falling over.� Vagrant Dreamer

It was decided to change our schedule,

Experiment #9

I projected at 11:45, entered the Hut you where already there. You seemed more ethereal than normal and I was unable to see your face as I normally do. I signed three times, then tried to �be open to any messages,� something new I dreamed up when reading some of your posts about detrimental influence when being active in ones intent. It did not help much; I was only able to see movement with no discernible imagery.

I left at 12:30.

�I projected at about 11:50, but it was on my mind for about half an hour before that on my way home, which makes me wonder if I didn't project part of the way while on the train.

When I did finally sit down and do it proper, I arrived at the hut and you were already there. Strange that, huh? IN any case, I sat, projected my sign three times as well, and waited for you. I did get the sense of something existing between us, but it was abstract and seemed mutable, like a reddish purple disc of some thickness. It went from being circular to square, and back to circular. I tried to allow any impressions psychically, but after a few moments the shape faded and I simply sat and watched you for a bit after this.
I left about 12:20.�-Vergrent Dreamer

I�m afraid I have no idea where the colors are coming from.

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