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fatherjhon's Blog

Experiment 19

Experiment 19, Jul 11

[Before the experiment]

�Take a look at, and take some time before projecting tonight to commit it to memory. If you are familiar with projection into a particular symbol, then that would be a good method to use, otherwise it may be sufficient to inscribe the symbol upon the non-dominant hand - in my case it will be the left hand.

It is formed from the phrase "To Communicate Via the Astral Plane" boiled down into a sigil in the AOS method. It was charged in a simple manner, via the bardon method of charging talismans, that is, by breathing the akasic principle into the symbol with the intention to awaken it's symbolic function. You may choose to do the same thing. This added element of synchronicity is a small and easily adapted addition to our experiment that is a practical and immediately applicable method.

[After the experiment]

�I projected at 11:56 or so, taking a different method than I typically do, which I think made the entire thing a lot more vivid. Also, I have been jaunting around the astral most of the day today doing some work with elemental energies� IN any case, I arrived, you were already there. I sat down, and the first thing I did was try to sense your openness to linking throat centers. I extended my center, waited for some sensation of being reached for (kind of feels like someone shaking your hand in a very abstract sort of way), and then pressed on, joining in the way I normally do. Did you perceive any dialogue?
After I felt firmly connected I received a sense of mild surprise � and then 'said' "Do you get it?" And 'heard' you say, "Yeah, I got it." Later on when you signed, I asked you to send again but 'slower' and you seemed to respond. I might have been just replaying the exchange to my specifications, dunno. None the less I felt much more like there was another person present.

[Edited for clarity: Not dialogue per say, but several times ideas occurred to me, which would not normally have. For instance, the third time a signed it occurred to me I might be going too fast, and made the sign slower, taking my time letting it in to your context. This seems to correlate to when you asked me �to send again but 'slower' and {I} seemed to respond.� When you received a sense of mild surprise, was probably when I first extended my throat chakra and made contact. I was shocked to feel a solid where I expected only ether the third eye chakra met with an even more corporeal from.]

At first the sign I saw was geometric, but unstable, and as I said, I asked to see it again, and the second time around I tried to simply see the movements of your 'limbs' as it were, rather than the sign itself, and I want to say I saw initials, like a Monograph? JD was what I ultimately was left with.

[I had to read it a few time before I could grasp the sudden change, from simi-accurate shapes to within a hairs� breadth. It is indeed a monograph, however not JD.]

I signed, myself, as both drawing/projecting the symbol as well as describing it geometrically and focusing on the feeling of the symbol itself. For some reason I got up from the chair and walked around, this projection was particularly vivid, as I said due to my exercises earlier in the day, to the point of smelling the woody smell of the cabin structure. [In a message on the same topic sent a few minutes after] I stood up, as I said, moved around the cabin, and then at about 12:12 or so by my clock, you were very suddenly not there. So, I returned to my place.

[When I start to lose focus while waiting for your sign I will often walk to one end and back- an attempt to make it more real by interaction. It is possible you where taken by my inclination while linked by chakras. It is once again uncanny how accurate your telling is. At 12:12 on the dot I left the astral. I was trying to maximize effectiveness: when I charted the data, and found after12 minutes accuracy diminished I decided that from the time I projected I would only stay 12 minutes.]

�When I merge throat centers with my companions, we typically have a 'delayed reaction' by a few minutes, at which point we will have a series of synchronous thoughts, have the exact same verbal reaction to something, etc.

I'm curious, did you have a strange sort of 'thick' sensation in your throat area after you left? I ask because from my perception, we didn't take the time to 'unhook' from one another. I withdrew myself [consciously] 'into' my center to let go of you, and pushed out the sense of thickness with a little breath work, which I took to be your extension still plugged in.

That said, I opened my eyes back in my locale at 12:12.�- Vagrant Dreamer

I did not feel a 'thick' sensation in my chakra, but I did withdraw my connection shortly before leaving, but it seems I left before you hade time to do the same.

The complete version of my trip started at 11:50, when I setup to project. This entailed a few changes from the norm because I was extending my chakras I cast a circle. I took your advice drawing the sigil you sent on my left hand for good measure. Then meditating till I felt ready to go I projected in to the sigil. When I entered the Hut I sat down and �loosened up� my chakras by shifting focus on them and drawing them out.

When you arrived I attempted to make contact with the throat chakra then after initial surprise at the physical nature, I did the same with the third eye. After a few moments I became far more interested in the throat chakra and let the third eye connection fade. It did not even dawn on me you would not try both.... I sent my sign three times first two no different that before but then on the third run I thought I should go slower. Time elapsed and I began to receive a jumble of overlying yellow lines. One set came from my right then several more in quick succession progressively left of the first set. Going over it now each set was probably your sign, sent several times, but at the moment I was trying unsuccessfully to read them as a whole. I with drew my connection and left shortly thereafter. It was 12:12.

I am planning to make my own sigil for astral communication; however, if you can see a reason why both of us should use yours I can save myself the trouble. Also, do you wish to try the throat again with or with out the third eye?

[It was decided that only the throat chakra would be used.

Vagrant Dreamer later responded to the bit about the dialogue with the following] �[T]hat is the nature of that kind of communication - it's never as clear cut as "I said this, you said that" on both sides�Also, I believe that it creates more of a connection between unconscious parts of the mind, rather than the waking consciousness which is mostly only for the implementation of data, rather than actually receiving or organizing it� / Ideally the trick is to be able to identify objectively which thoughts originate from one's own masculine principle, and which ones originate from external influences.

�Though without a description of the lines relative to one another, I couldn't say how accurate the composite was, the perception of the color yellow is a curious accuracy - being that we were enjoined, I specifically utilized elemental Air energy (again, had been working with elemental energies all day, so it was on my mind) - because it is the energy of communication between parts, being the element arising out of the interaction between fire and water - which I visualize as yellow when shaping it outside of my own psyche for any reason.�-Vagrant Dreamer

[Looking back at my logs the color yellow has been rather constant, in my descriptions and might have nothing to do with accuracy.]

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