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fatherjhon's Blog

Crystal Enchantment

Crystal Enchantment to Establish Energetic Link Manifesting as a Tangible Hologram.

The aim of this ritual is to bridge a distance between two people separated by geography and to have a hologram of each person appear to the other in a visual and tactile form. Obviously, no material construction is possible for the hologram, but by creating the hologram from memories of tactile sensations and visual information, the hologram will appear material. That is to say how each person remembers the other feels and looks like. A crystal in the from of a pendent on a silver chain is used to contain and strength the energetic connection as well as to provide a beacon to the wearer. I believe this necessary because she is very poorly acquainted with magick. Before the ritual proper, the crystal was cleansed in salt water to remove any muddled energy. Afterward the pendent was placed on a pedestal on an alter for three weeks.

The ritual starts in a cycle, both parties in half lotus to facilitate easer movement of energy, the receptive hand on the lap, with thumb and forefinger touching and the other three extended. The expressive hand held at heart level, slightly extended and lightly touching the partner�s hand with the crystal pendent between the two hands- its chain wrapped around the two hands binding all three together. From this posture both people enter a meditative state and nurture their vital essence. The essence is used to charge the crystal. Once charged both parties scry using the crystal looking for the other party. When found a portal is formed out of the crystal using the vital energies so that only the two parties are able to use it, and that it remains connected to both even though they might not be connected to each other. Once finished the crystal is now bound to the two.

Concerning the Visio-Tactile hologram in the next step, care must be given to the memories of the construct. If one chooses memories that are emotionally charged it is best that they be pleasant ones. If time is plentiful, it is best to use every memory one can of the person even if they are not related to touch or sight. In this way the most complete replica is constructed, and therefore yields a more authentic emotional and tactile response from the person using the crystal. Knowing the others body intimately helps, but general information gained via normal course of interaction is adequate. The hologram is much like a matrix, where the relationships that construct it are changed by new information, because vital essence was used to charge the crystal and create the link as long as both parties use the crystal regularly the hologram should maintain its accuracy.
Once the hologram is fixed to the crystal, both parties allow their energy levels to return to normal and then to ease out of the meditative state. The pendent is held until both parties have emerged from their meditation, then it is unwrapped from the hands and placed in a sacred container or is worn by the intended recipient. The circle is broken and the ritual is complete.

There is a rather long and detailed guided meditation that goes along with this, and was intended to allow my partner to access and use her vial essence -though be it in a vary limited way- without the year or two of Taoist training normally needed. But that will be for another time.

Do please tell me what you think.

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