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fatherjhon's Blog

Transmuting Karma 4

This is a fun new realization. Emotions are energy not simply something that energizes. It turns out that as a you get more sensitive you can feel the texture of an emotion and the related energy as it rises from the associated organ and goes some place in your body. Realizing this it is something of a simple matter to transform any given emotion in to another or convert it completely back in to neutral energy. In fact energy that is sired up into emotions is surprising easy to convert in to purer forms of chi. The main point is that energy is energy and the differences between types are few. If you neutralize the differences by acknowledging them and comparing the emotion to pure chi and then looking for the similarities between pure chi and the emotions the two will start to look every smiler. Then even more so until you can't tell the difference.

In the purist yang there is yin and in the purist yin there is yang, find the part of the emotion you want in the emotion you have and focus on it and disregard the rest. Soon the whole blob of emotional energy is changed.

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