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 | Category: Current Projects
entry Feb 27 2007, 03:17 AM

Right, so as I sit here, drinking tea, and trying to calm my fade nerves; I can take hart in the fact that I can relate some good news. I spent some thirty minutes prepping for the trip to the astral- incense, candle and tea- I slipped in and out of my body; no doubt, performance anxiety. Upon my entrance in to the astral,- at about quarter till eleven EST- I quickly found the Room in which Vagrant Dreamer and myself where to meet. However, this is where my normally routine visit became most frustrating.

In my mind, I saw the Room as simple, white and square. There were no openings, but normally this is no obstacle- I normally �will� in to the room, and pop in where ever I am trying to go. This time as far as I got was to view the in side of the room. I was still out side and unable to get in, but I could see the outline of the interior. It took a considerable amount of force of will to keep even this up and I soon had exhausted all the will I could muster. At this point, I was pulled back in to my body. I believe this was due to the effort I exerted trying to stay in the room, which jarred me from repose.

My second effort took place moments after finding myself pull out of the astral. This time a tried to force my way in to the room- going so far as to pull at the walls. I feel profoundly ashamed at this, for no sooner had I failed at pulling down a wall than the thought occur to me to �make a door.� This method worked far better.

This time I entered and saw a figure standing in the room looking at me. It was bright white and somewhat fuzzy like T.V. static- I could not see too well at this point. Yet, I could see or rather sense would be a better word, the figure- how I now believe to be Vagrant Dreamer- extended and waved in unison his arms in what I believe to be a sideways cross- fist right to left then bent. I am afraid that I probably expecting too much, first tried to speak, then upon failing to utter a sound, began to turn and �ball up.� What Vagrant Dreamer saw might have been, �something like the rosy cross - a cross with each of the extended parts also crossed, like four t's connected at their bases 90 degrees from one another.� This, I can assure you, I was in no conduction think of, much less make.

[Upon reading a Pm from Vagrant Dreamer concerning his actions to prevent himself from thinking up someone before I arrived: "I just sat and waited I'm pretty sure I didn't manifest anything... [Your image] to be elementally air in nature, white and flowy like [my image] normally is." I am beginning to worry. I will know more when he responds to a request of clarification on what this means.]

I am also afraid that I was not thinking too well, having met with obstacle after obstacle- most, like the inability to "will" myself in to a structure, I have not encountered in a long time- and having been drained some what more than I'm used to, let my mind wander. I am sorry to confirm the second part of what Vagrant Dreamer saw. In a message he told me "I believe you attacked me as a test." No, not quite, neither as a test nor at you per se; I lashed out at the room that had caused me so much trouble and did not mind where I was toughing my ill will. I do apologize if any of that came your way.

I left shortly after my temper tantrum, unable to maintain the effort to stay in the astral. This occurred at about twelve twenty or there about. I was eager to record as much of it as I could before the details and impressions escaped me. It seems I spend about one and a half hours in the astral- if you do not count my performance anxiety. I believe this approximates the time that Vagrant Dreamer spent there, adding a bit of reserved optimism to my report. Do note however that I may be wrong.

From the messages he sent I could make two assumptions, the first is that this experiment would have been far more successful if I had kept my head about me. Second, in regards to why I could not enter the Room in my usual manner might have been one of two reasons; first, the simpler of the two: I was off my game and/or distracted. Or the other possibility: my lack of experience was to blame. Not to say that I have no experience in the astral, far from it, but my previous experiences may have BEEN the problem, leading me to become conferrable with having the only conciseness to interact with namely my own. Excluding the little nasties that I sometimes think up. I believe that I was unable to �will� in to the Room because of the unfamiliar presence. It could have been enough to add an unforeseen valuable, which as in the past, stopped me from performing actions that I normally pay no heed. If this is the case, then all that is required is to become better acquainted with Vagrant Dreamer.

More information will add to the likely hood of future success, there for we must try it again. I will continue to post the results here after each experiment.

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Feb 26 2007, 01:46 AM

Some that have been to Dream Works forum may have come across a topic going by the same name as this entry. Those of you who have followed the topic will know that Vagrant Dreamer and myself have decided to run an experiment, to determine if one can hold a conversation in the astral.

The experiment is to preformed by the two of us astral projecting in to a "three dimensional sigil-" a simple white room. Results are to be kept and reported after a few runs. The experiment will be tweaked if there is no success, probably with the addition of a "sigil... put on the floor of said room. The law of sympathy takes over from there."

Any results of this experiment will be posted here. As will any updates to the methodology. Expect posts to be made biweekly- more if I deem it necessary.

 | Category: Exploits
entry Feb 24 2007, 08:27 PM
To astral project, I sit in a comfortable position that is at the same time not conducive to sleep. Fixing my eye on one spot in space, I stare- making sure not to blink. After a minute, minute and half, things start to blur and darken. Maybe three minutes in I no longer see. I still hear but I now concentrate on the sounds. In particular, the empty spaces between words, sentences, traffic, steps, exc. soon the emptiness is all I hear.

This is where I spend a lot of time, so I'm at ease with the “void space” that I made, and can stay there for hours. When I feel like moving on I- sorry this is the best way I know of to express the felling of things occurring because I think of them- “expect” the darkness and silence to give way; finding myself in the astral.

To Lucid dream, I move in to myself, excluding everything exterior. I adopted an agreeable position on my back, eyes closed. Normally with my finger intertwined, index fingers extended and touching at the tips. I bring all my focus and concentrate on my pulse in my fingertips. Gradually expanding my awareness to encompass my thumbs, then my middle finger; and so on until I am a ware of the pulse in my hands, arms, chest, head exc. Once I feel my pulse in my whole body, I become aware of my body itself. Once this occurs, I slow pulse, and my breathing soon follows; now I'm for all intents an purposes asleep- save for that I still retain a level of conciseness. Relaxing my concentration, I allow my mind to wander, until I feel the need or desire to actively participate.

Some times, I am more conciseness than others, and I am able to remain “connected to the outside.” During these times I have noticed that things tend to move in an odd sort of time- five minutes is really thirty on the out side, then in a burst of meaning, hours happen in a instant.

 | Category: Dreams & Visions
entry Feb 23 2007, 01:18 AM

{This was dreaming the plain old none lucid kind.}

It occurred to me several hours after I woke up, to check my dream Journal- some times I know I wrote something in it, some times I don't. This morning I found a rather interesting dream.

It begins in my old neighborhood in the sadly under stocked "new age" store. I'm browsing the three isles and thinking why don't I use the express. I have the vague impression that �the express� is a sort of subway. So I go to he back of the store and push down a wall, it gives way- swings on hinges. I walk over it and find myself on a large round tube thing.

I'm underground for some time, but emerge out of a wall in what I described in my journal as a large industrial shipping center. All concrete, and open on one side, with a few trucks that where being filled with boxes by workers. The workers did not seam to notice, so I strolled out on to the street.

Here I wrote of feeling the small suburban town- like the suburbs of New York or Baltimore- was somewhere in the Midwest, but after pondering the word "hills" and "San Francisco" I think it must have been in the foothills of the rocky moutons, Montana maybe.

I walked in the street awhile, then boarded a trolley and headed down hill for some time before winding up at literally the end of the line. The rail that the trolley was riding on stops right at the front door of a large three-storied integrity carved wood building. There is a something over the double door but I don�t think I could read it. Interring the building, I saw a large open space with carved wood beams holding up the two floors above. There was a large skylight where both the upper floors had been removed. Looked like a resort cabin, with masks and totems hanging on the walls.

There was an old- old but not elderly- looking man in the kind of storekeeper dress that one sees in Client Eastwood westerns- standing at the front counter. The counter is covered in odds and ins, the big glass front shows off several anthems and goblets. I ask him something that might have been along the lines of "what do you sell�" Hear my journal becomes nearly indecipherable, so I can't tell you what he said but, it was definitely occult related- I get that impression clearly.

I'm looking at the scene trying to see what else is there, when abruptly I'm back in the Shipping center, getting on the tube train. As I'm riding back I get the impression I'm remembering something- the shopkeepers name perhaps? I am riding the train for some time trying to tease out what it could be, and then- in a most un-dramatic way- I wake up.


 | Category: Dreams & Visions
entry Feb 11 2007, 02:52 AM
I was walking in my dreams, last night, simply having fun with lucid dreaming. I came a cross a train station that looked abandoned.
I stayed there for some time, and then moved out of the lobby and on to the platform. The sky was gray, overcast with heavy clouds.
There was a coldness lingering about but no wind. A lovely place; I enjoyed staying there. After some time I excited through a large
archway in the lobby.

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