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 | Category: Exploits
entry Feb 24 2007, 08:27 PM
To astral project, I sit in a comfortable position that is at the same time not conducive to sleep. Fixing my eye on one spot in space, I stare- making sure not to blink. After a minute, minute and half, things start to blur and darken. Maybe three minutes in I no longer see. I still hear but I now concentrate on the sounds. In particular, the empty spaces between words, sentences, traffic, steps, exc. soon the emptiness is all I hear.

This is where I spend a lot of time, so I'm at ease with the “void space” that I made, and can stay there for hours. When I feel like moving on I- sorry this is the best way I know of to express the felling of things occurring because I think of them- “expect” the darkness and silence to give way; finding myself in the astral.

To Lucid dream, I move in to myself, excluding everything exterior. I adopted an agreeable position on my back, eyes closed. Normally with my finger intertwined, index fingers extended and touching at the tips. I bring all my focus and concentrate on my pulse in my fingertips. Gradually expanding my awareness to encompass my thumbs, then my middle finger; and so on until I am a ware of the pulse in my hands, arms, chest, head exc. Once I feel my pulse in my whole body, I become aware of my body itself. Once this occurs, I slow pulse, and my breathing soon follows; now I'm for all intents an purposes asleep- save for that I still retain a level of conciseness. Relaxing my concentration, I allow my mind to wander, until I feel the need or desire to actively participate.

Some times, I am more conciseness than others, and I am able to remain “connected to the outside.” During these times I have noticed that things tend to move in an odd sort of time- five minutes is really thirty on the out side, then in a burst of meaning, hours happen in a instant.

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