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entry Mar 22 2007, 10:10 PM
Good Day,

The fifth experiment was less than eventful. It mostly consisted of me sitting in the Hut looking for Vagrant Dreamer. I got to the hut about 11:45, and got out at 12:03. I did not see him at all but thinking it was me a tried to find him- I had no luck though.


While I know it may upset the experiment to alter variables so often, this time I intentionally waited until 1am to project. I have to wonder whether consciously 'unsynching' instead of unintentionally being early or late, etc., makes a difference.

I too am curious if it would make a difference, but I was long gone by the time he even started.


I made my way to the cabin, entered, and sat in the right of two chairs.

This is intriguing, because I have always sat in the left one; always had the impression that it would be wrong, to use the right.


You were a bit more stationary and I had a sense of you intentionally 'holding on to' the context of the cabin, as though connected to it from various slender filaments coming from your astral body. [W]hich was this time more of a luminous silhouette than the normal version I see? opaque and usually a mix of whitish blues and light purples.

As I said before he got there after I left; but it is interesting because I did not move around to room this time- I move to keep my mind from wandering away from the hut. The slender filaments coming from my astral body where my attempts to find you- probes of �consciousness� I send out when I'm looking for something.

Once more I find myself bothered by the colorations, they are simply frustrating; logically when I leave I should not be there, and one should not be able to see me, but I am and one does. At least this is more data for the 'un-synching' idea.


It is possible that the 'frame' of my consciousness simply allows for a sort of pan-temporal experience. For instance, when it comes to my memories, I have very little sense of continuity... Similarly, the future never seems continuous either. This is to say that, If I think of two events in my past, they may as well, from my internal perspective, have happened at the same time, and I often cannot describe events in any consistently accurate order.

Not entirely sure what to make of this, but we are becoming more linked so it is possible this “frame of consciousness” is the cause of it.

Vagrant Dreamer has told me of a change in location, which will bring him geographically much closer than before to me, in addition the new local has pre-established energy wells. So he is expecting to have more energy with which to act in the astral while there. He will be there for the sixth experiment, perhaps longer, but there could be interesting interaction because of it.


The sixth experiment was more interesting, yet some of the same problems crept up again. I started astral projecting at 11:47. It was a long time before the Hut was visible.

Once in side I assumed my position in the left chair and waited for Vagrant Dreamer. I am unsure if he was there when I arrived or if he came in after but unlike the normal impression I get when he enters the room- a subtle change in the topography of the Hut. There was a change in density, I will refer back to “the rock in the glass of water analogy,” this is the third time this has happened, and I am unsure of how to annalize it, much less how to explain it.

As bothering as that may be, it represents a practical obstacle, at least for me. The issue it poses is to my ability to align myself

I tried three methods to communicate my sign, each one was tried twice. The first was the using ambient energy to manifest the sign and push it to Vagrant Dreamers “perception.” The next was to draw the sign in the air and to push it in to his context. Third, was to task energy with the shape of the sign and to go to him, then I released it. The last one I found on one of his topics.

I had the sense that the last two where only “bouncing off” of him and not getting through. The first method had no noticeable effect, if it had any at all.

I spent the rest of the time trying to see if I could sense anything that Vagrant Dreamer was sending me, but I was unable to. The spectacular results of the gateway sigil have yet to be repeated, I am of the opinion that I am simply not well enough attuned to decipher anything subtler than physical changes in the astral. I will naturally try to rectify this, but it may be advisable- if after some time has elapsed without better results- to go about this in a way. As to what that way could be, or the time at which that would become appropriate to conceder, I will be happy to hear anything that my be of use.


The last projection was relatively short and uneventful for me, I sat down across from you almost right at midnight, and made my sign three� I didn't perceive any symbol from your presence, however, I did sense a flux around you three times - you might imagine that an object suddenly has noticeably more gravity for a moment before returning to normal. This happened three times, but I wasn't sure how to interpret it� When I exert this function, it's for the purpose of collecting astral energy. So, in retrospect, it may have been the perception of your gathering and shaping energy.

I was as you say “gathering and shaping energy,” I used your method of drawing in the air and releasing the symbol- hopping to send it on its way to you- and trying not to interfere. This was one of three different methods I tried. (My last PM contained the full description) As to what method I normally use to collect energy I expecting energy to gather in some part ether internal (body) or external (floating ball of energy,) when I started out I would channel energy through my physical body in to my astral body. The latter is now seldom used.


...take a look at my face at my myspace, becoming visually acquainted may, at this point, help us connect a bit better. Every little connection helps, after all, given our circumstance.

I have looked at it, and although your appearance was quite different than I imagined, there was- when I first saw your picture- a sensation that “yes this is him.” There was no question about it. I have no such account but I will try to get one next week and post my own picture.

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