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entry Jul 29 2007, 10:15 PM
Experiment 15 June 27th

On Wednesday, I went in at 11:50 and stayed until 12:17. My sign was sent in the normal manner. Your sign did come through this time. It was more complex this time, having a hatch towards the arrows at the ends of the three arms, and the arms where at wider angles this time, as if it was inscribed in an equilateral triangle, its color is yellow.

”Last night I projected at 11:55 or so, just before midnight. I saw this time the sign of pisces very distinctly, although it's possible that because of my 'memory' from Monday night I was biased already. I tried not to be. I projected my sign in a neutral 'white light' kind of color, but wasn't giving it much thought, it's just how I write things, as it were. You're description is closer, though, I think this means we're doing better - it has been a slow development, hasn't it? But worth it. I left around 12:20.” – Vagrant Dreamer

I am afraid to say I did not send the sign of Pisces.

Experiment 16, Jul 2rd

I got on with it early last night; started at 11:30 got out at 12:13. The main thing I noted was your sign changed. It looked less like a trisected equilateral triangle and more like a diamond with two triangles on the sides. I do not think you switched signs on me so I will note it as anomalous. I signed three times in the usual way. I went in so early to so I could test whether I perceived a difference in the way I sensed you, there was none.

“True, I didn't change my sign, however, if you could describe the placement of the triangles in relationship to the diamond, or again send an image, it could potentially be, again, close.

Interestingly, I didn't know whether I was slated to sign first, or you were, but I signed first anyway, then waited for yours. I went in at 11:50 or so, came out at about 12:20. I couldn't get anything solid on your sign this time, although I sensed some motion around you or from you. Twice while I was there, you seemed to blink out for a moment, akin to the image on a TV screen flickering up and down.”- Vagrant Dreamer

Blink...yes, in a long session that late at night I sometimes slip in to lucid dreaming, to an observer that could look like a flickering TV.

Experiment 17, Jul 4th

“Last night I sat down to project at around 1am, I got home late. However, I set my clock to 12:00 and projected after taking some time to 'target' our meeting time. I arrived, saw you there already, and sat down. I made my sign three times, and then waited for yours. I saw two different symbols, the third one matched the second one. I have attached what I saw, it is approximate because it was less angular than the last time I reproduced it. After the third time, it rotated in the air about 90 degrees counterclockwise. Didn't know what to make of it, but I thought I’d mention it in case it was somehow relevant. It was an otherwise uneventful trip this time, I came out around 12:15 (according to my altered clock time.)”- Vagrant Dreamer

I am afraid I can't think of what it means. Allergy induced migraines prevented any prolonged stay so they might have also cased a “send error”. If I may be so bold, I am noticing a trend in your reporting. Each report is of ever more complex signs, and my sign was- if not as much as yours- simple. It may be that expectations, namely an increase in refinement of the sign, are leading to the formation details not really there. The easiest counter for it could be as simple as to go in without actively thinking about the target, thus less influence on it.

As to my escapades, I lasted only 10 minutes this time, from 11:54 to 12:06. I saw very little motion, and needles to say I was unable to receive anything useful. Perhaps next week we will have more luck.

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Jul 6 2007, 10:12 AM
Experiment 14

I projected at 11:50; got back at 12:13. Not sure if you where there, was unfocused… I singed three times, in the normal manner. The only thing I got from your end was the “color yellow.”

"I can't say that there is a relevance to yellow, although given the typical interpretation of that color as an aura signifier, it could be. The sign I use represents a high spiritual ideal.

As for my projection, I started about 11:50, not much to note, I got the same symbol as before though I was trying to be completely receptive and keep myself from thinking of the previous experience. Although this time the angles seemed a little softer, like they should have been curved instead of angles.

I signed first this time, when I arrived. I left around 12:10."-Vagrant dreamer

Once again your description is more accurate.

"Can you describe the method and thought process you use to transmit your symbol? I'm wondering if my methods are simply lacking, or I have a different method of perception. If we adjust those variables with a little theory, we might have more mutual success."

My method has changed little from the method you described to me. The only difference is that I channel energy from my physical body to my astral body when drawing the symbol. Going in “charged” has caused problems whenever one of us has tried it, and pulling energy from the surrounding astral is more difficult for me, so I settled on this. However, several times I did try to present myself as the symbol after the success I had seeing your symbol that way but my first method seems to work better.

It may not be that anything is lacking on your part; as recent events with my totem have shown, I am very good at sending, but very bad at lessoning.

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Jul 6 2007, 10:05 AM
Experiment 11

Short trip...started at 11:50, ended at 12:16. While I was there, I sent my sign three times. Then I waited for your sign, could not make out anything useful.

"I started right at 12, entered and waited for your sign. This time I saw something that reminded me of the icon for the band 'tool'. I waited for more detail, and getting none projected my sign in the same way as before. When nothing else seemed to be happening, I left. It was about 12:20." -Vagrant Dreamer

Experiment 12
(Not an Official Run)

"I projected early 11:30, until 11:45. I projected intentionally with the purpose of arriving when you were there already, trying to take advantage of the fact that time has proven itself to move differently in the astral plane. The only reason for this tonight was that I began meditating at 11pm and and around 11:30 or so was primed to project so I took advantage.

I had a very clear image of you when I arrived, not as colorful as normal, but your face and figure were very clear / I signed first, three times, then waited for yours. I saw you use your index finger to draw a very specific symbol, I got no secondary impressions of function or purpose. So, I simply reproduced the symbol in paint as a gif file and have attached it.” -Vagrant Dreamer

...Your picture of my symbol... is becoming ever closer to how I send it.

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Jun 10 2007, 12:11 AM
Experiment #10

At 11:45 I started to project, reaching the Hut soon after. You did not seem to be there so I sat down and waited. When you arrived, I singed once, and then tried to “let you speak.” After a little bit I got an image resembling a “Y” in shape and the impression it was intended to be two-dimensional, possibly yellow in color but on that point I am not positive. After I stopped getting the “Y” shape I made my sign twice more. Getting no response, I left. It was 12:14- a little off in my timing.

“I tried something a little different this time, and it may be what made the different, you're description of a 'y' shape is the most accurate impression you've gotten about the symbol so far, and it is projected as a two dimensional symbol.

I projected at around 12:10 or so, and sat down on the right as usual. This time, however, rather than project my symbol, I tried to sort of inhabit the shape itself, with the hope that just perceiving me would effectively transmit the symbol. Typically, I project a symbol outside of myself, as though holding it up to show it to someone.”- Vagrant Dreamer

That is also how I make my sign, like showing it to someone.

Something a realized was that we both sign immediately after we know the other is in the Hut. It is no drought a reflex from life, but at least with me, signing takes most if not all of my concentration; whatever was sent while I drew my sign would have been lost. Now we have already established that time moves differently in the astral, yet I cannot help but wonder if we are in essence talking over each other. Your more abundant experience might provide insight in to this. If you agree with my analysis, I propose taking turns. One of us is designated to speak first while the other listens. Then the roles are switched.

”I do typically sign and then wait, although sometimes when I sit down I already sense some kind of movement from you, and so I wait in that case. Next time, let's let you sign first, and then myself.”- Vagrant Dreamer


”The impression I got while waiting for your sign was a symbol sort of like two vertical parallel lines, with lines at the base of each running opposite one another at 90 degrees into a square at the opposing sides of the base of each line, with the base extending pass the base of the square. (think, two L's with squares set into the angles of each, facing away from one another.) They kind of drew themselves in the air between us, starting from the top, and the square part was like a curl that angled out.” –Vagrant Dreamer

Yes, you are getting close; it is a very literal interpretation probably because my sign was drawn. However, your more figurative interpretation was also close. Do you think how the sign is sent could effect the way it is seen. It seems to be congruent with your recent discovery on embodying the sign.

”When I came back, it was only about 12:20, so it was a short trip, but seemed a lot longer.”-Vagrant Dreamer

 | Category: Current Projects
entry Jun 10 2007, 12:09 AM
Experiment #8

Well, I am out of practice. At about 11:35 I started to project. I arrived at the Hut and sat down. Almost immediately, I felt something, not a sure if it was you trying to contact me but I got nothing definite. A sent my sign three times, then tried to see yours; with little success. All I could see was your form, soft tones of gray mist. I did not even see your face as I normally do.

After some time I sent my sign one more and left with out getting anything. Perhaps you had more success. Look forward to your side of things.

“You know, I have been trying to recall it all day, but I fell asleep at some point while projecting and moved into a dream state. I was awoken suddenly when I tipped over and caught myself, and couldn't remember much of the dream or the projection after that I'm afraid, I remember walking down the path to the cabin, and I think I actually got there, but at that point I can't remember what we did, only that I remember trying to remember, if that makes sense, and then falling over.” Vagrant Dreamer

It was decided to change our schedule,

Experiment #9

I projected at 11:45, entered the Hut you where already there. You seemed more ethereal than normal and I was unable to see your face as I normally do. I signed three times, then tried to “be open to any messages,” something new I dreamed up when reading some of your posts about detrimental influence when being active in ones intent. It did not help much; I was only able to see movement with no discernible imagery.

I left at 12:30.

“I projected at about 11:50, but it was on my mind for about half an hour before that on my way home, which makes me wonder if I didn't project part of the way while on the train.

When I did finally sit down and do it proper, I arrived at the hut and you were already there. Strange that, huh? IN any case, I sat, projected my sign three times as well, and waited for you. I did get the sense of something existing between us, but it was abstract and seemed mutable, like a reddish purple disc of some thickness. It went from being circular to square, and back to circular. I tried to allow any impressions psychically, but after a few moments the shape faded and I simply sat and watched you for a bit after this.
I left about 12:20.”-Vergrent Dreamer

I’m afraid I have no idea where the colors are coming from.

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