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entry Jul 29 2007, 10:22 PM
Experiment 18, Jul 9th

“I got started a little late tonight, projected at 12:10 - it was a short trip, I came back at around 12:25. You signed first, I signed afterwards. Here's what I got. I tried to be as open as possible to letting it come, at first it started to look like the same as one of the symbols before, so I blinked my mind and for a moment only saw the symbol, none of the surrounding imagery.

The symbol attached is an approximation at best, but appeared to be more geometric when I actually saw it. Basically just a square with the corners looped around rather than simple corners.

At one point after I started signing the thought crossed my mind to attempt to establish a link between our throat chakras or third eye chakras to facilitate communication better, but I declined this time as there was no way to effectively ask your permission. I'm asking now - I think it can be done…We might try, on Wednesday, to actively attempt it from both ends. It's pretty simple, a matter of moving your attention to the center in question, and reaching out with it to someone else's center…with the intention to make contact and create a connection. It's like creating an extra limb. /

Other than that, not eventful, although I did have a hard time getting there initially, which is to say I would go 'up' into the locale, and then be pulled back down as though by strong gravity, and then I would go back up, firmly plant my 'feet' on the ground of that locale, and feel compulsively 'squashed' against the ground, again, as if by gravity. I overcame it the third time around by actively banishing the sense of gravity. I find that the more physically I deal with astral terrains of that kind, the more vivid the whole thing is…”- Vagrant Dreamer

I projected at 11:55 and left at 12:09. I saw you move, but no got no sign. The sign you received is not the one I scent.
Your idea for the throat chakra is interesting. I will need to practice before Wednesday, but I would like to try it.

I have been going over my archived messages, and trying to compile data for variance in received vs. sent signs. I will be posting that chart in a few days. So far it appears to be that the accuracy is related to frequency and inversely proportional to length in the astral after a threshold of 12 minutes; Needless to say that my observations must be confirmed from your data. There is no rush, and if I left out needed information I can send it to you.

[Link to .xml file forthcoming]

Also I have found some old posts on relevant topics that leads me to believe a archetypical or empathetic approach to communication would be better but for that we would need to go to a different plain for appropriate correspondence. However all of that is for the next experiment.

“I would have to agree with your data. There may be other variables at work, but based on what we've collected so far it would be difficult to determine that. We might consider keeping track of a wider range of variables. It would make the study more complicated, but also perhaps more complete? Emotional state, diet, daily activity (in terms of exercise, oversleeping, etc.) - from a particularly hermetic point of view, the influences could be quite inclusive. And for that matter, the entire study could become a basis for developing a better approach to astral projection and/or telepathic or empathic communication. Let me know what you think.

[Not in original: A long term goal, but well worth it I will continue gathering data and post what I find. Also, a standardized form of reporting might be in order for the variables will become numerous.]

I do still think that from a tree of life schemata, yesod is the best choice for a connection point for both practical and spiritual reasons,…Yesod is about the level of lucid dreaming, which is not that far of a stretch for most people. However, another option is to simply adopt a different paradigm for the purpose. The issue with that is that there are few readily available paradigms with distinct and objective markers for each 'level' of the astral scape.

Come to think of it though, another option would be to create a mutually acknowledged sigil through which to project from now on. The angle of entry, as it were, would be more exact, and the sigil itself is a more solid representation of our intention to exchange information. Either freeform, a la the A.O.Spare method, or more calibrated in a hermetic fashion, may be sufficient. Another possibility is to project through either the throat or third eye center. Those two specifically for their connotation of communication - the heart center being also a candidate for communication, but more of the empathic variety and not as prone towards specific information.

For that matter, some combination of the above might be in order. Each of the spheres of the tree of life can be said to house corresponding 'locales' to each of the seven chakra centers, so we could conceivably project to the throat center of Yesod, through the sigil made for that purpose.


It depends on how complicated we want to make it - there may be some merit for each of us to follow as similar a pathway into the astral as possible. The sigil need not be overly complicated, simple enough to reproduce from memory. The spheres and centers can be accessed through correspondence and of course intention.

Let me know what you are willing to try, how simple or complicated you want to get, and we will alter our experiment scheme accordingly. As always, I have ample time available to dedicate to the purpose, so I leave it up to you as to what kind of framework we want to adjust to.”- Vagrant Dreamer

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