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 | Category: Current Projects
entry Jan 21 2007, 02:29 PM
My apologies for the long absence, some technical difficulties in addition to my now attending school, there will be sometime between my postings. Pictures will be added to my posts when ever my scanner decides to work.

As for what I have completed so far, I have chosen a servitor, after idly toying with the idea to use Living Elemental I determent that it would become vary bored with its task and decided that sigil would be better suited. Defined its purpose as: “Gather earth energy.” I’m curious if it this is more or less useful. I decided on only earth energy as it keeps in with my chosen theme. But if it becomes apparent, that “Gather elemental energy” provides more power with out disturbing the harmony of my talisman the better to use that. For those among you who looked at my shabby attempts at Hebrew and cringed, you will be pleased to note that I have in listed the help of someone that can actually write in Hebrew. Some early attempts with lead proved unwieldy at best so I have decided to abandon solid lead in favor of a more reasonable approach. Carved Ash will be the used and then inlayed with lead wire.

If anyone sees a glaring error, please feel free to tell me. It wouldn't be the first time… or the last. laugh.gif

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