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Braindance Blog

The Harvest Moon

I've created this Blog as a symbol of the ending on an Era. That Era being the last 2 1/2 years of my life. It's strange how things end, and new things begin. You never really know exactly when one or the other will occur even though you may sense the times. You simply know when they have. On that note, the marker of these times for me is the Harvest Moon.

I'm not sure really what's so special about it to me, but you know how personal symbols can pop up out of the sky blue, and that the current meaning really is the only relevant meaning to consider, so, I'll just go with that. To me, it is a symbol of change, of fullness of bounty, of the future months. To some, it may be a symbol of reaping what has been sown over the past year. I'm just guessing because that would be logical. To me though, it's a symbol of the harvest... the bounty of the inner me, my truest sense of identity that I can grasp in this moment, that is coming now.

Another reason I started this Blog was to keep myself "honest". By "honest" I mean true to myself. I've noticed that over the past month or so, I've been running from myself. One form of this has been in answering questions on this forum, when I should be helping myself.

I love helping people, and I believe in helping other's as I, myself, have been helped.'s time to focus in on me. I know I'm in a period of new growth, and I greet it with....fear, nervousness...I feel like a kid all over again in some respects. This feels "strange", because I'm use to being at the "top of my game", so to speak. It's not easy to look your potential in the eye. All of it.

The plan for this blog...well, I don't have one really, but I "plan" to use it at least once a week to post whatever it is I feel is important in terms of growth and magick in general. I should also note that this blog is for "me", and not neccesarilly other people, though other's are welcome to read it.

I believe the mark of an effective magician can be felt most truly via his own life. Therefore, I am making mine a work of art.


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