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Satarel's Training Journal


I have this personal affectation that many of my friends just haven't quite got their heads around yet, at least in its entirety.

When I need to eat, I turn the word "food" into a verb. "I'm just going to go food myself" or "Hang on, I'm busy fooding".

I only use the word "feed" when talking about my pets, or referring to myself in the vampiric.

My friends (both the aware and unaware ones) thing the verb-form "food" to be a meaningless affectation, and think it means the same thing as "feed".

So very recently, it's been getting on my nerves that whenever I tell them "I need to feed really badly" (which I imagine should be blatantly obvious anyway), and they respond that there's food upstairs.

Incidentally, I've figured out that the energy pumping through my throat chakra is probably to do with an energy bloating. I REALLY feel like I need to feed, but I know I don't need it. For some strange reason my body is trying to overcharge, perhaps for some new growth or extra system. Whatever the reason it's getting me jittery. Very much like a bad addiction, which is ironic since I've never been addicted to anything.

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