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Satarel's Training Journal

Heart Chakra

Looks like I was right - the heart chakra cracked open today. Didn't do the full 1 foot diametre wheel blossoming, but it cracked open a bit.

I'm finding it interesting to note the connection between what I'm thinking about and chakra openings. The solar plexus blossomed while I was discussing following the path of angels or demons - specifically advocating the former. The heart cracked open while I was contemplating the idea of the "untribed".

I'll go into that a little further, since it's a good concept. People who are "tribed" have a great big social identity. Whether they define their "tribe" by the football team they support, their political party or so on, they are part of a rather well-defined and self-defending group. People who are "untribed" do not have this group. They have no group power and cannot stand up together to make a difference, but they want to do good in the world. Interestingly, my heart chakra is cracking open again now. I was attempting to think through a way of "tribing" these people.

Anywho, I'm getting there. It will be interesting to see the final collection of ideas I'll get from opening up all the chakras.

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