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Satarel's Training Journal

More Dreams

Night before last I dreamt that I had entered a town full of people I knew, but their personalities had all been switched around - so they were in each other's bodies. Two, however, rather than showing other people's personalities, had parts of my own.

One of them was my ex girlfriend, who was "the bit of you you lost when we broke up". The other highlighted another personal problem.

Last night's dream, I saw my own eyes roll up into my head, and then a second set of (darkish red) irises rolled in from the side. It was honestly scary, because for a split second I had two sets of irises in each eye. Much of the rest of the dream was spent trying to find someone who could tell me what they meant.

Eyes (From the dream dictionary)
To see your own eyes in your dream, represents enlightenment, knowledge, comprehension, understanding, and intellectual awareness. Unconscious thoughts may be coming onto the surface. If you dream that your eyes have turned inside your head and you can now see the inside of your head, then it symbolizes insight and something that you need to be aware of. This dream may be literally telling you that you need to look within your self. Trust your intuition and instincts.

From the colour correspondences chart in the library here, when applied to personality, red symbolises "boldness, assertiveness, impulsiveness, extroversion, passion, and aggression".

I'm not sure whether it's got something to do with Adrian still being around, or whether it's saying I have cohabiting personality aspects, or even if it's saying that I'm about to go through a major change.

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