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Satarel's Training Journal


Now I remember why I keep my heart chakra closed. Opening it is like driving a knife into my chest.

It partially blossomed today, and it's holding open.

Dear God, all those people. All that sadness. All that war and hate and destruction. Oh God, oh God. What the hell are we doing?!

Edit: I'm hemorrhaging energy out my heart chakra (and I feel fairly queasy and weak because of it). Of all the chakras, the heart is the hardest to master I think - mainly because of its giving nature. The need to heal the problems of the world means that my system devotes energy to the world at large... I'm going to need to completely restructure the way I work to incorporate that. Less of a solid energy store, and more of a flowing through-the-world existance.

Double Edit: Alright it's about 6 or 7 hours since the chakra half-blossomed, the majority of the energy leakage has stopped, and the chakra is mostly dormant again. The physical pain/pressure seems to have died down too.

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