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Satarel's Training Journal

Okay, Today Was Bizarre

I started off the day feeling slightly woozy (certain thoughts would bring a small pain to my heart chakra - still open and bleeding energy). As the day progressed, I slowly kept feeling more and more tired and wobbly as I kept leaking energy, experienced inexplicable pins and needles in both hands which moved from one side of each hand to the other depending on whether it was above or below heart level (blood supply had not been interfered with, and in fact, I could feel my blood more so than normal), a sensation of rather low blood pressure, nausea (and heart/solar plexus twinges) stemming directly from a rather depressing discussion on world politics and what we're doing to ourselves (I'll talk about that next post)... and then I got to my Politics and Democracy lecture.

During P&D, I noticed something really weird. It began with my heart and solar plexus binding together sort of. Kind of like a chain between the two. Then I had a sensation I can only describe as like being given a head massage by something with massive claws - not painful, just weird... and then my crown chakra chained to my third eye! Even further, it's like there's a chain extending down the back of my head from the crown chakra to the base of my skull too. The "clawed massage" sensation has been going continuously for about maybe an hour and a half now, and is sort of pouring down from my crown chakra and covering the top of my head, my cheeks, the back of my head, and around my third eye.

Even further, my third eye is almost visible to me in my reflection. An eye shaped darkness that isn't quite there. Crazier than this, apparently my ability to sense other people's presences when I focus has skyrocketted. Sitting in the bus on the way home, people's auras felt like human-sized fires rather than the usual body-warmth and directional pressure.

I have no idea what's going on, but it feels cool. If anyone can explain it though, I'd be very appreciative.

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