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Satarel's Training Journal

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Referring back to what I just said about the depressing conversation on the state of the world:

Have you ever felt that there was something you had to do? Not quite that you're duty bound or even want to do it (because it might not be easy, and could even be very painful), but rather that it's something so important that if it doesn't get done, your heart will break?

That's politics for me. Hence why when my heart chakra did its deformed blossom, I instantly started feeling like the world's injustice had hurled a javelin through my chest. It doesn't matter that I might lose the possibility of a cosy life, it doesn't matter that it could even lead to my own self-sacrifice and ruin, I have to do something to try and change it. I might not even have an effect, but if I don't do it, then I couldn't live with myself.

So that's why, even though it causes me physical pain or nausea now, I will still wade into the problem issues - and I will come out the other side and keep going.

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