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Satarel's Training Journal

Ooookay... Apparently I Don't Need To Sleep...

... or at least, not any time soon.

A few weird thoughts. This isn't kundalini, since that's you raising your base energy up the heaven line to reach God. This was more like God reaching down the heaven line to touch me, since it started at my crown and worked down... and only seems to have lit up 5 chakras.

Oh, and there are definite physical changes. I have rather more decent pecs for some odd reason. My pupils seem to react more to distance than to light, which is strange. I don't seem to be getting hungry anymore, so much as empty, which is weird. I think I might also move faster, but I'm not sure.

Oh yeah, and as I suspected from the deformed way my heart chakra blossomed, it's not quite functioning properly, and as a result, it's causing me some physical discomfort (like there's an extra solid object in the chest cavity, interfering with my ability to breath). If anyone has any suggestions - give them please.

Apparently I also seem different to other people - apparently I seem much kinder and more interested, and more like my heart's in everything. But I don't think I'm actually doing anything different.

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