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Satarel's Training Journal


Never stay awake for 89 and a half hours straight, unless you have a proper eating regimen to accompany it, and you don't mind some slightly disturbing after effects. That was the final tally - more than three and a half days.

Apparently I didn't actually eat much during that period (didn't think I was hungry, so whenever I got a stomach cramp, I just had a large swig of juice), so I seem to have lost a kilo or two and my body has since been telling me that it needs a lot more food intake - so definitely unhealthy. And as a result, I'm fairly drained... energetically aware, but drained. Fubared my solar plexus-heart chakra pair too I think; solar plexus in particular seemed to take a major beating, and has a lot of issues with the amount of food I take in.

No big energy works for me in the immediate future.

The other problem is I seem to have actually damaged by perceptual systems Large expanses of solid colour (like walls with equal lighting) seem to mostly register as having potentially unlimited depth, and if they're large enough, seem to have no distance from me. And my monocular depth cues seem to not be counteracted by binocular ones - so if I'm lying on the floor such that the wall behind me is in the top of my vision, and the one in front is at the bottom, and the ceiling separates them, the bottom one will appear shorter and the ceiling slanted.

But apart from that I'm doing reasonably well. I think I need to definitely consider an alternative medication though.

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