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Satarel's Training Journal

New Place

I've moved out of my old room at my parent's place and am temporarily living with about 7 friends. Notably this house has had someone murdered in it. It's as nice and cosy as any place where people have died, albeit cold in the mornings.

Yesterday I spent a while doing th "evil eye" exercises of Liber MMM. Managed to keep at it for about 20 minutes or so. I've noticed it's fairly difficult to prevent perceptual blurring (brain slipping away from what you're looking at), however, the effects were quite remarkable. Apart from getting a quick glimpse of an object's position on the other side of the wall, I also managed to grey out everything for a brief period, as well as greying out everything bar the thing on the wall I was staring at. Was rather difficult to maintain.

Also, I'm planning on obtaining an orange and a blue sunstone (orange for right hand, blue for left) once I have a functioning income.

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