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Satarel's Training Journal


Got $600 deposited in my bank account this semester, so there are a few fun spiritual and training things on the horizon.

So far I bought myself an amethyst and a labradorite stone.

A note for the unwary - placing an amethyst on your third eye can be painful. Surprisingly so. Apparently I'm good at discovering the painful things not to do.

Labradorite's an interesting stone for those who are unfamiliar with it. Got a few varying descriptions of what it does; one says it can promote telepathy and psychic abilities, another says it represents the "temple of the stars" - helping one understand one's chosen destiny, and a knowing of the "right time", and so on. At any rate, it's a darkish green cloudy stone, with varying levels of irridescence. A good one will look like, but mine's nowhere near as shiny.

I also got a friend a lepidolite stone. They're a sort of, and apparently useful for reducing addictive behaviours, stabilising mood, alleviating stress and so on. Apparently it even contains lithium, which was something that surprised me.

At any rate, I should have a gold and blue sunstone on friday, and I would really love to get my hands on a (london) blue topaz, although that's rather expensive.

Moving away from the rock collection though, I'm also going to get myself a pair of (as I mentioned elsewhere), since I'm pretty certain that they're the best staff weapon for my particular way of moving.

And that's about it. I was going to restart officially training in aikido, but my knees are getting rather screwed up of late (pressure on my knees, especially my right, that goes in ways that my knees don't bend, tends to feel like it could potentially cause them dislocate - unpleasant sensation to say the least).

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