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Satarel's Training Journal

First Post

Well, a first post needs a decent summary of what's going to happen, plus a little background on the general area.

Alrighty. I'm a psi-vampire. That means that my body naturally requires me to absorb energy from other living (or sometimes non-living) things. This is the second, and supposedly less common variety of vampire - the first being sanguine vampires - your standard blood drinkers.

Both kinds require their individual sustenances on a regular basis, otherwise they begin to deteriorate - suffering from symptoms ranging from depression, apathy, and excessive tiredness to decreased empathic abilities causing communication breakdown to physical weakness and so on.

Also there's the whole "sunlight" problem. The strength of that weakness varies from individual to individual. While I only require very dark sunglasses whenever I'm outside (or else face searing pain play across my retinas), some others have it so bad that they can't even let sunlight touch their skin or else they burn or blister relatively instantly. Similarly, there is a nocturnalism factor - that their circadian rhythms tend to cause them to be more active at night than daytime, which is convenient for the sunlight reactions, but inconvenient for interacting with the rest of society.

Of course, the package is never complete without the perks - I already mentioned one, which is the empathy. Obviously we also get the natural ability to notice energy, we also have the ability to manipulate people's perceptions, emotions and desires to a small degree (depending on the individual's level of will), and a few other things besides.

This journal is primarily my training and investigation journal. A place for me to store my deeper research into the various vampiric communities (so far I've discovered about 9 vampire houses, 2 vampire churches, and a few vampire "pylons" - pylons being temples of set), as well as record my exercises and experiments with various techniques.

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