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Satarel's Training Journal

Not Gone... Neither Is My Rambliness

Mmph. Well apparently, although I threw off the possession (which is what it seems to have been), Adrian is still apparently hanging around. If anyone has any suggestions on that, I'd be muchly appreciated, as my normal go-to person is being a bitch.

Anywho, in other news, I stumbled across this very nicely organised Interestingly, it lends a bit of credence to my previous statements about my centre/sacral chakra - specifically when it talks about that chakra's lesson:

Feelings�The right to feel. Connected to our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings. Ability to be social and intimacy issues.

Something one of my friends regularly tells me (as I've regularly told anyone willing to ask) - I don't get emotions properly. For the most part I see them as an assumed mask for any given situation. As such, I can see them as a function of positive or negative attachments to the values that come into play in any given situation. Which is true - but doesn't give an intuitive grasp on them.

Anywho... that said, I was only looking for information on throat chakras, because apparently there are powerful words that my mouth keeps trying to say, that I just don't know and don't know how to tap into. I found that when I relaxed, and did what came naturally, my mouth opened, energy massed there in large quantities, ready to be spoken, but there was nothing to say. Bit odd.

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