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entry Apr 30 2006, 11:27 PM
I helped out as a leader on a Christian youth camp over the past four days. It was fun. However, the campsite was one I'd been on before (called wambiri, which means "meeting place"), and the instant I stepped out of the car, my head involuntarily snapped towards a certain tree.

A little background.

A few years ago I was on a camp at that same campsite, walking from one building to another. As I looked across the oval that this tree is on, I saw a body hanged off the tree - not quite child-size, not quite adult. As I keep walking around the oval, the body very clearly moved with the tree against the background, and then after maybe 20-30 seconds, I blinked and it disappeared. The year after that camp though, one of the leaders who had always been a big wigged out by that tree too took a look (independently and unknowingly of my tree-corpse experience) and found a noose hidden up the tree. The leadership team for that camp decided to pray over the noose, and apparently it started writhing and doing weird things, so they burned it.

I should also point out that this tree has numerous burn marks for where they tried to burn it down, and it just didn't want to.

Anywho, back to this weekend's camp.

I wandered over to the tree... and it was almost electrical with energy, it was insane. The one thing I did pick up though, was a sense of impending attack (that the tree felt one was coming), so instead I decided to pray for it, and tell it to rest. Oddly enough, the tree started to calm down.

Did that a few times over the weekend, and the most trouble anyone got from that area of the campsite was some sand in their eye.

However, after talking to the leader who'd found the noose on the previous camp, I discovered an odd stance. Christians seem to be very aggressive to "things that are not of God" - spirit-wise, anyway. But if such a strategy doesn't work on people (and is in fact, the complete opposite of how Jesus told us to act), why should it work on spirits? And my mind, in that moment, went back to Legion - the myriad of demons possessing one man. They recognised who Jesus was, and asked him not to just turf them out into the darkness, and Jesus asked them where they'd like to go. They replied that there was a herd of pigs nearby, and Jesus agreed and sent them into the pigs.

entry Apr 23 2006, 02:42 AM
I'm pretty certain I just met someone from the recurring dreams... except that they seem younger than they were in the dream.

entry Apr 20 2006, 09:12 AM
I'm having a recurring dream. That never happens for me. Three times in the past two days.

I'm entering some sort of maze (generally something like a university, but it's a maze of corridors, lecture theatres and rooms). I'm generally armed - the first time with my dagger, my bokken and a jo, the second time with an axe, the third time I was already in the maze so I don't recall what it was. Might have been a dagger or a sword.

Moving through the maze there're a lot of bizarre events. No real recurring theme, except that there's always eventually a girl. Never the same in appearance, but always the same in demeanor.

Each time I run into this girl, there are small things that I wake up remembering as important. Small actions, certain phrases, and so on. They're important because they're tell-tales for a person I will meet. I don't know where or when, but it's important to remember these things.

I don't know why or how I'm getting this though.

entry Apr 5 2006, 08:15 AM
Although I'm biblically not allowed to perform any acts of divination, I still occasionally do.

I continuously wear a cat's bell on a leather cord around my neck - reminder that all actions have consequences (and also a measure of energy expenditure, as well as a spontaneous notification if I'm late for class, plus a few other things).

Anywho - I use it as a pendulum any time I need information. Quite useful for general information gathering. Is someone going to be there tonight? Is the item I seek in this room? So far, pretty accurate. Just not allowed.

entry Mar 30 2006, 06:37 PM
I'm increasing my physical training - now doing 100 bokken strikes instead of 50. Still keeping at 25 or so pushups, and situps. Probably should do those more.

entry Mar 27 2006, 04:39 PM
I've discovered an interesting side-effect of having a demon in a symbiotic relationship:

My energy system is perfect.

From what I can figure, if Adrian is going to get the full effect of the tenth of my energy, my energy system needs to work properly - so it was in his interest to fix it up. Meaning that my recent energy surge isn't a matter of holding more energy, but rather a matter of energy flowing better, thereby making energy actually do more work for its money so to speak.

entry Mar 26 2006, 06:10 AM
A few days back I discovered this article, it just slipped my mind to post it:


The wikipedia article of psi-vampirism is nowhere near as detailed, given the rather less physical nature of that form of vampirism. Quite an interesting read.

entry Mar 26 2006, 04:47 AM
Feel free to comment at any time. I always enjoy getting an injection of new ideas, and discussion is important to growth.

entry Mar 25 2006, 09:51 AM
I spent the last day not studying like I perhaps should have been. Instead I visited some friends, got my Joss Whedon injection and sat through a lot of sexual tension with an ex-girlfriend - mostly arising from the overwhelming desire to feed.

However, as a result of today not only am I perfectly fine for energy, but my body has a new room-mate.

I am currently playing host to what I suppose would be most commonly described as a true incubus. It's an interesting difference to the previous entities I've housed, since this demon is in fact a physically larger entity than me (which I guess is part and parcel of being a demon). Previous entities, being general spirits, were easily housed in the void where my sacral chakra should reside (and in fact, had enough free room to noticeably cause me discomfort when they got jittery), but this one I specifically have to make room for.

So for the moment, I will not be able to perform any beasting exercises (extending the physical space within which my consciousness holds sway, and so on) for fear of bumping him out. However, on the opposite side, there are advantages in other areas (as one might imagine).

Already I'm seeing alterations in my mannerisms - specifically in the areas of control over others, and gendered interaction. I've not yet attempted a full "flexing" of the abilities this being is lending me, but I imagine that in two days I should have a fairly good opportunity. In return, Adrian gets a tenth of the energy I absorb, which I do not find to be disagreeable given that I have a significantly larger amount of energy coursing through me than normal.

A few interesting points arise from the fact that I'm housing a demon. Me being a Christian would automatically make one assume that I am opposed, even to their existance. Technically that can be a misconception, given that I am morally obliged to show kindness to even my enemies - which Adrian is certainly not. There is also the point that Adrian apparently has no control over the effects his/its presence causes, being innate principles of his existance, rather than abilities he can apply at will. Seems a rather concerned individual for an incubus, hence why I'm letting him stay.

So all I need now is that bottle of vodka (which is suddenly looking well within my budget) and I will be quite, quite content.

entry Mar 24 2006, 06:41 PM
Going slightly nuts.

There are three things I need right now:
- A bottle of Smirnoff vodka
- A major Joss Whedon injection
- An attractive female to feed off heavily

Not necessarily in that order. The Smirnoff is to drink myself into a blind stupor so I can't think of what's been happening, the Joss Whedon is for some vampire humour ('cause it's REALLY bad), and the female is because I'm energy fiending SO badly. In the past month, I'm pretty certain I've made physical contact only twice.

And I'm a fralling scorpio fire tiger psi-vampire - take a guess how I feed.

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