I wrote this brief description for my website.
"In 2002, during a thunder storm at Trail of Tears State Park, I was initiated unexpectedly as a priestess by Gaia (our planet) and the elements. When the spirit journey was over, I woke on the shores of a lake, my body covered in mud. The rain and wind slowed and the lightening stopped. Out of the silence rose a thunderous chorus of frogs, my spirit animal. I knew that I was a wild mage.
I plan rituals for full moons and major sabbats, but my favorites happen on those days when my soul whispers, encouraging me to move my body with the magic of the moment and weave a spell."
I work with the Wyrd, the web of life that connects all living things and events. My views don't follow the full traditional Nordic view, or maybe they do, because I haven't studied Nordic traditions in depth. What else could I call this web of interconnected spiritual essence and potentiality? I do not know.
In my heart and mind I think of the direction I want my life to go and set my goals. Then as I go about my routine I follow my intuition and watch for signs and syncronicities.
Sometimes the incidents are small and I just feel a crazy client approaching the office and I take the necessary precautions such as deep breaths so I don't take the ranting personal and shield so I don't take on their emotions via empathy.
Othertimes, I feel the web vibrate and know something important will happen that effects my life. I feel it as energy a vibration in my solarplexas, spine, or sometimes in my crown chakra. I open my site and unless the energy into the event I'm being notified of. Sometimes I send healing, sometimes strength, and sometimes I'll fight. It depends on the situation.
Another reason I call myself a wild mage is because this is how my fae allies perform magick. They don't perform rituals. They know what needs to be done and do it.
I live in the wilds of the Pacific coastal mountains. One day driving home, I felt the pull the call of a strong fae in the valley the road goes through. I pulled aside and felt she was offering protection. My husband and I had been having a lot of astral snoops around and some weren't content to just watch. (I won't go into detail because a mage must keep some secrets. (IMG:
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I pulled over immediately and saught her out. With my sight I looked for plant allies in the spell.
I picked nettels with my bare hands trying to be careful, but I did get pricked many many times. I had to focus more to shut out the pain and I went into a sort of trance.
She stood by me and held her hand out. I saw a thin shimmering thread coming from her hand. I took it and it pulled continuously as I gathered it around the nettles. She smiled and withdrew. Then I saw I was milking a spider. It had sat perfectly still for a minute or two as I pulled silk from it.
I spit into the nettles wrapped in web and threw it into the woods.
I saw the energy spread out over the valley in a web to ensnare and warn me of approaching magicians who intended harm.
So, this is wild magick to me. It is probably more common then you think.
This post has been edited by Masery: Jan 2 2007, 09:09 AM